Teller of the Fucking Truth

That whoever was making the English subtitles added in humor is a real possibility. Remember that Anno delayed the American release of Evangelion 3.0 for 3 years because the Funimation translators kept trying to make it funnier and lighter than it actually was.

The movie was called Shin Gojira (New Godzilla) in Japanese. The Japanese title never included any word like Resurgence. Godzilla: Resurgence was just a planned Americanized name during post-production. The producers originally wanted a wider American release and intended for the name to evoke Independence Day:

Apollo and Midnighter is a miniseries so I except this is all build up and the last page of the last issue will be them traveling into the Wildstorm Universe.

She's in Detective Comics right now, but prior to that she was never really a member of the Bat Family at all. She didn't even know Bruce Wayne was Batman and she just took up the title when Batman was missing during the year after Infinite Crisis. When he came back he was like "okay, you can stop using my name now"

There's a feminist sex toy store in Minneapolis called the Smitten Kitten. They wouldn't hire my mother to be a minimum wage cashier because they only hire people with degrees in women's studies. In addition to being butt ass stupid, that also seems super classist and biased against poor people.

She's like a sexy Argentine lady version of Josh Freese.

I assure you, Olivia Coleman is also in all the British shows that aren't imported.

I suspect his friendship with Neil Hamburger is the reason for this all. Neil Hamburger (or the guy who plays him) used to be the touring manager for Faith No More and Faith No More have often accused RHCP of ripping off their sound.

Male asexuality isn't real. Pandering is bad enough but it was even
dumber to see the writers pandering to a group that doesn't exist. All
throughout the season, I thought Todd was going to reveal that he was
impotent. That would have made sense. If a guy says he's asexual it
usually means he's either impotent or has

Bush probably thought there were WMDs. Everybody did. Literally everybody. Even people who were against the war. Howard Dean, Dennis Kucinich, Jacques Chirac, Gerhardt Schroeder. People were not opposed to the Iraq War because they didn't think Iraq had WMDs. They were against the Iraq War because they didn't think

Basically they believe in White pride but instead of being into meth and country music like most previous White pride supporters, they're into memes and indie rock.

There's some overlap but generally no, I would not say Alex Jones is alt right. Alex Jones is not really concerned enough with race and the alt right isn't really concerned enough with 9/11 being an inside job for the two to ever really be united as one.

Republicans need to get back to their horrible economic policies which even their primary voters don't support, as evidenced by Trump winning the nomination.

"Stilyagi", the Russian word for "hipster." That's another reason I liked them. They were part of the early twenty teens micro fad of Soviet/Eastern Bloc kitsch that never quite became a full blown thing.

They were formed when the younger sister was like 14. Originally they were called Pearl Harbor and at that time they were the subject of a profile in Pitchfork's "Rising" series, around the same time as Dum Dum Girls and Cults. They never really took off though. It's unclear whether that fact led to the name change or

Although there is no hard and fast division, vaporwave is generally slower, mellower, and almost ambient. Also, whereas synthwave is mostly just a genre of music, vaporwave is an entire A E S T H E T I C. In fact, many would say the A E S T H E T I C is actually more central to vaporwave than the music itself. That A

Maybe. It might have broken 30 million otherwise. Still would have been a bomb.

It's just a story about some pigs who take over a farm and get into hi-jinx. Anything else probably wasn't intended by the author.

The original film was successful because it was basically just a demo of 3D technology. This was really obvious, even at the time. Industry people are dumb though and thought audiences liked the plot.

…annnnd it bombed.