Teller of the Fucking Truth

The actual book doesn't make a lick of sense unless you are at least vaguely aware of inside baseball comic book politics. Being aware of those politics, I know Geoff Johns is a huge Alan Moore fan. That's why I can't imagine his message here is "Watchmen was a bad book".

I am kind of annoyed that Johns made reborn Ryan Choi such a nerd stereotype. I didn't read a lot of stuff with the character before but I know he was fucking Giganta. Giganta doesn't seem like a nerd fucker. I'm surprised Sava didn't call it out as racism and accuse Johns of turning Choi into an Asian caricature.

Sounds like you don't like superhero comics. I must warn you, complaining about how they are outlandish is going to be a futile and thankless effort. Kind of like ranging against ice cream because it's cold and sweet.

I teared up a little at Wally saying goodbye to Barry before Barry finally saved him. God, I missed Wally. I'm so glad to have him back. Having Johns back on Wally is kind of like having Brubaker back on Captain America or Morrison backed on Animal Man or something. It would be a huge story in and of itself if not for

I think the appeal of Johns is that he bridges the two worlds of comics, old school dork fanboys and post-modern hipster assholes. He writes in a very conventional style (I would argue he kind of invented the current conventional style) but at the same time he makes constant references to Moore, Morrison, and Gaiman,

Of course he's a good actor, he's been talking about how great The New 52 was for the last 5 years. I have seen a couple of interviews where the facade cracked though. Similarly, Johns was a good little solider through most of The New 52 as well. He never bashed the company but if you point blank asked him what he

Also I don't think Johns really hates Moore. He literally spun his entire Green Lantern run out of a two page Alan Moore second feature. He's doing it again here. If he didn't like Alan Moore's work, he would just ignore him and write shinny happy stuff. Instead, he's making Moore's characters the centre of the DCU.

As pointed out by Bleeding Cool, that page was a panel by panel reference to Dr. Manhattan killing Rorschach in Watchmen:

Johns and Didio have been fighting each other for years. Johns was against The New 52 and Didio doesn't have much control over Rebirth. Watch any recent interview of Didio, he looks totally demoralize. I am actually very surprised they didn't fire him outright but they apparently did everything but.

Overall, I liked Rebirth. I like the return of "legacy", which I think was the main reason The New 52 failed. "Negativity" I don't think was as much of a problem. Stories can be dark as long as they are written well and as long as they acknowledge the history that makes these characters interesting in the first

Of course it's stupid as hell to be mad because Steve is being controlled by a cosmic cube or some shit. It's actually even stupider than I initially thought though. Initially, I thought it was conservatives who were mad, mad that Red Skull has basically become Trump and Evil White Captain America is going to fight

When I first heard that Angry Birds was about the migrant crisis, I also assumed it was a situation like the Smurfs being about Communism, ie not actually true but a funny concept you could make work if you tried really hard. No. Saying Angry Birds is about the migrant crisis is not like saying The Smurfs is about

I actually could see this severely underperforming. The success of the first was due in large part to the novelty of 3-D, which had only been recently re-introduced at the time. The sequel doesn't have that going for it.

She was really good in the English dub of Nausicaa. But yeah, she hasn't done anything big recently.

The Palin statement she took issue with was actually from a fake article.

There was definitely some waning appeal before but it had more to do with 2 reboots in 10 years and the shitty qualify of the reboot films themselves, rather than because Peter is White.

Implying this show isn't made for White people.

Blame Whedon "We can't do anything, they're not on US soil :("

Again, people seem to forget that Civil War was published during the Bush Administration and that the anti-registration side literally used exact talking points cribbed from real world liberal commentary about the Iraq War and the Patriot Act. Captain America was chosen to lead the anti-government side because it was

The Second Amendment is incredibly poorly written. I highly suspect it was written to be vague on purpose so that different people at the Constitutional Convention could project their own views onto it.