Teller of the Fucking Truth

Denials at this point mean nothing but I hope he doesn't run. Don't let the fact that he was on SNL 40 years ago fool you into thinking he's a youth friendly candidate. He's an entertainment industry shill and that means he's got a serious hard on for copyright laws. He would put everyone who ever illegally downloaded

I thought maybe he was Georgian or Armenian. There' a weird movement afoot to re-label people from the Caucuses as POC. Some of it motivated by the desires of online Communists to declare Stalin a POC, some of it motivated by people' desire to not be called White if they can get away with it.

What type of POC is he supposed to be?

Sure this has been commented on before but just in case it hasn't, I find it deeply amusing that DC's "Mature Reader" imprint is called "Young Animal" and is pretty explicitly aimed at at a younger demographic than their general readership line.

Nah. An album of new material is a total vanity project that won't make money at all. If he was trying to make money, he would call it "Maybe It Is The Wall Again? Buy It And Find Out"

What violence of Milo supporters? Maybe if you consider misgendering people violence. Even if you do, that pails in comparison to actual physical violence. His supporters were the ones that got punched and maced in Berkley.

"Islamism" means political Islam. Everyone agrees on that. What people disagree on is how non-secular one has to be to be considered an Islamist. For example, people who want full Sharia like in Saudi Arabia are obviously Islamists. But what about people who just want a constitutional acknowledgement of Islam as the

I think a good deal of people under 30 have unfortunately already embraced the idea of censoring hate speech. Most of my friends already think that way. Of course, the problem is, who defines what is hate speech? Is opposing affirmative action hate speech? Is oppose slavery reparations hate speech? Is supporting any

Google "Islamism".

Islamism is not the same as Islam. Islam is a religion. Islamism is a political ideology based on Islamic fundamentalism. I'm sure all Republicans and a good number of Democrats and a good number of people to the left of Democrats would all agree that Islamism is extremely bad. You don't think Islamism is bad?

"he absolutely did say what he said and there's absolutely no context to suggest that it wasn't sincere."

I'm a graduate student in political science. I read lots of material from lots of different ideologies. Also, "identity politics" is hardly a conservative buzz phrase, it's been used by people of all ideologies both positively and negatively. Fucking Bernie Sanders has talked about identity politics and how it's used

"He has Nazi views. I can say this with confidence because I have categorically refused to ever listen to any of his views."

He's definitely a turd. I just don't get why he warrants a boycott or massive protests or getting punched. Unless you do that for basically all Republicans.

If that's true, I agree but I'm not sure it is. I'm not going to take the word of an anarchist protester. He was definitely saying people should report undocumented immigrants to ICE but again, how does that make him different from the vast majority of Republicans?

He has condemned identity politics of all kinds including and especially White nationalism numerous times. It's why most people on the alt right dislike him.

Really don't understand the media hysteria over Milo. He's explicitly not a White nationalist. He's never used Nazi imagery. He's a fairly generic conservative. Probably a little bit racist but no more than any mainstream Republican commentator. It's really ridiculous that anyone would boycott this show over Milo but

I doubt it's over. You don't purchase a company's intellectual property unless you plan to re-use it. I'm sure a new version of American Apparel will open in the next couple of years.

Pretending to be exasperated that people won't accept your dumb argument doesn't make your dumb argument seem stronger, it makes you seem dumber.

It's both comic hyperbole AND her opinion. Do you think the phrase "so hungry I could eat a horse" means "not hungry"? No. It means "very hungry" but it's a non-literal exaggeration to show that the person is seriously hungry. Kirkman likes that Clinton is hawkish (or more likely just doesn't mind and was trying to