Teller of the Fucking Truth

Gainax is basically just a tax right off for Hiroyuki Yamaga, the sole remaining founding member, who gets paid by the Japanese government to keep an office open in an area otherwise depopulated by the Fukashima nuclear meltdown. The only thing they did in the last couple of years was a couple of 7 minute Madoka

1) Production IG co-produced the original FLCL.

Because being light skinned is inherently superior?

This is so obviously 4chan. It's basically sounds like a random 4chan post generator.

Saying "chill" is basically saying "calm down" and "calm down" is a misogynist micro aggression. A girl saying she has "0 chill" is very common now and is basically saying "you can't tell me what to do!"

"Have 0 chill" is a thing SJW girls say all the time, it means they are "woke" and angry and see no reason to be calm with all the injustice going on in the world and if you ask them to be calm, that's a misogynist micro aggresion.

Gotham had cowboys.

I actually liked the ending charge because it just made the plot tighter and more self contained. You make a valid point though. Except for the part where you imply Watchmen was good up until the last 5 minutes.

The concept of "no-kill-codes" is "it's 1950 and these books are for kids, don't show killing" and that's about it. To use them as a trope in 2016 is just stupid. It makes the characters intellectually unrelatable to for more people than it makes nostalgic for some censorship mandated plot contrivance.

I was under the impression Metropolis was New York, Gotham was Chicago, Bludhaven was Newark.

The number one thing all my friends think is dumb about comics is that the characters refuse to kill, even when it's in self defense, even when it's justified. People can suspend belief for aliens, for time travel, for the existence of the afterlife, but the idea that Batman would refuse to kill The Joker is seriously

and in the comic, it wasn't actually presented in comic form. It was the text of a fake book. Alan Moore realized there was no other way to tell that much story as quickly. Watchmen is probably unfilmable for that reason.

Yes. Very. I thought it was ugly but otherwise okay when it came out. I watched it last week though. God, 90% of the dialogue is clunky ass exposition.

I think even Green Lantern was technically successful.

Fantastic Four was actually pretty much a beat for beat re-telling of the first arc of Ultimate Fantastic Four.

I've long thought that that only way for DC to solve the problem of their various contradictory live action continuities would be a Crisis film. Ideally starring a fat, old Val Kilmer who has retired as Batman in order to become Police Commissioner of Earth 2 Gotham City.

Pretty sure they announced at one point that Shazam was going to be a standalone film, separate from the DC Extended Universe. I'm sure they've contradicted that a number of times as well, but the idea is out there.

Sucker Punch has no narrative tension. How can you give a shit about an imaginary world inside an imaginary world? and they picked this guy to direct a big superhero crossover? Don't crossovers usually revolve around high stakes?

Man of Steel wasn't really successful though. It made back the money it cost but it wasn't really a huge hit. I think it's more that DC/Warner Bros. had been flailing around trying to make a shared universe work for a decade and finally just said "fuck it, let's just take the direction we have now and go with it, as

I think you mean "Zack Snyder just crashed this cinematic universe… WITH NO SURVIVORS!"