Teller of the Fucking Truth

Respectfully disagree. These films WEREN'T made by committee. They are entirely Snyder's vision. Marvel movies, now those are made by committee, and that's what keeps any of them from being actively horrible. Of course, it also keeps them from being truly great. Low risk, low reward. It's actually kind of amazing

The average pay at Walmart is $10 an hour. I live in New York City where we don't have Walmart. We have a million tiny bodegas where immigrants work 16 hours a day and can still barely afford to live even though they charge $5 for a gallon of milk. A Walmart would be financially preferable for everyone in the city

That scandal is actually very easy to explain from an American point of view. Imagine Nancy Pelosi Tweeted a picture of a shitty looking trailer in South Carolina and commented "typical Southern voter". As you can see, that's an issue of classism towards lower class White people. Not really anything to do with racism

Privilege politics has yet to become ubiquitous in the UK. Mostly because all their poor people have historically been White and because all their minorities immigrated there willingly.

I don't really understand this article. Who is upset about what? It seems like Harvey is trashing the Walmart? The community leaders are trashing Harvey? Are the community leaders for or against the revitalization program?

The character actually looked like Ben Nighthorse Campbell as well. That was probably the most obscure reference the show has ever made.

Most sources put false rape reports at 4-8% of reports. That's about 1 out of 20. "Common" and "rare" are extremely subjective terms but I guess you could use either to describe that number. Either way, it's not really as infinitesimal people would like to believe.

The porn definition is actually the same as the classical definition.The poster seems to be using the new definition popularized by 4chan and various alt right political groups, which use it to mean basically "submissive and emasculated".

Killing in self defense is legal according to the law. The idea that killing in self defense "isn't heroic" is some stupid shit the comic book industry came up with for the sake of the Comics Code Authority because they didn't want to show violence. It's no longer necessary, it's dumb, and it's not the way anyone

Worst part of her plan though, the whole thing was to get a cop as a witness. Uh, why not just use Simpson?

In the Marvel Ultimate Universe, from which the Cinematic Universe draws a lot of inspiration, everything literally is related to a failed Captain America experiment. Hulk was a failed Captain America. Nick Fury was a failed Captain America. Even Mutants were created by the government in a botched attempt to make more

Guardians of the Galaxy is actually pretty different tonally from their other cosmic stuff. It's trying very hard to be funny and unlike the movie it inspired, it doesn't always work well. It's like DnA trying to be Stan Lee or maybe trying to be Deadpool?

Read DnA's Cosmic Saga last year. If you think War of Kings was a step down, whoo boy, just wait Annihilators and Annihilators: Earthfall. That said, I do like DnA and their cosmic saga overall. Annihilation: Conquest is good. I liked Nova as well.

Hellcat, the secretary, and the girl who shot her parents all look EXACTLY the fucking same. Real bad casting.

I haven't read it. I don't necessarily think it's a bad move. My mild concern is basically what you said, that she'll just become some generic "Bad Ass Chick" character. Replacing one generic trope with another.

I wouldn't have phrased it that way but basically, yeah, it has the potential to make her uninteresting. because it's exactly what you would expect. The idea of a strong, empowered woman is no longer something subversive in our culture, it's one of the dominant themes. The perpetual victim who never gets justice, male

I'm pretty sure that Simpson's episode was taking directly from a Twilight Zone episode.

They're making a large part of the cannon a reference to Auto Focus. I wonder if they are going to go all the way and have Doctor Venture Sr. kill Monarch's dad.

As comic book fans, we should know that anytime an employee of a comics publisher says "this is a reboot" or "this isn't a reboot" it's fucking worthless and could mean anything.

The problem is they keep trying to broaden the market through different characters and styles, which is unnecessary. People like superheroes already, as the box office shows. They need to broaden the market through distribution. Stop selling 90% through weird specialty stores.