
Well, Kamal is a common Indian name as well. But as cappadocius said, there is less overlap between South Indian and Pakistani culture, Within India itself, there are regions with religious overlap, but not cultural overlap.

You may not know this, but wouldn't a Pakistani-American be named Kamal rather than Kamala? Sounds nitpicky, but Kamala is a distinctly South Indian name, and I wasn't aware that other cultures added the "-a" to the root "Kamal".

I think this is excessive, which is ironic, given my username.

Nashville got me into The Civil Wars, so even though I don't watch it anymore, I will always be fond of its music.

My clickathons almost always end up on the "Adolf Hitler" page. I don't know why, but it is really unsettling.

Sonia saying that that was a liberal idea really bothered me, and I am super liberal. None of my conservative friends are running around saying that the Coke ad was offensive.Just because a bunch of idiots were complaining on the internet doesn't mean all conservatives are against diversity.

See, I feel like I would have liked him more if they developed his point of view better. I'm not complaining (because having a series focusing on female relationships is always a good thing), but it did seem weird to me that most people who liked the show seemed very invested in the romances. I realized that I wasn't

It's a perfect binge-watch series. Though be prepared to not do anything else for the rest of the day.

I agree. As I said, focusing on the personal accomplishments definitely made the show better. But it also made the romantic stuff kind of inconsequential, making any time with Darcy or Bing on the screen seem like a waste.

I didn't mind the dress sense as much, because he was supposed to be awkward to an extent. But he was way too awkward to ever see him with Lizzie. They had absolutely no chemistry.

And oh god, his accent? Why was he some weird British-American hybrid and his sister super Californian? Such a misfire. I'm glad I found another Darcy-hater, because I thought I was all alone on this one.

Right? I have a friend who watches this show and she LOVED Darcy, but I just couldn't stand him.

This series is really really good. To be honest, I never really liked any of the male characters (except Fitz!), because they weren't as fleshed out and I didn't really warm up to the acting (Darcy in particular was just way too stoic and awkward for me to handle). So I wasn't invested in the romantic plot lines. But

If anyone wants some more bad rap, here is a music video by Dobkiss!

It had almost as many viewers as New Girl and Brooklyn 99 right? And on a Friday night! Maybe I'm being too optimistic, but I really hope this show succeeds.

God, David Walton is attractive. Looking forward to this show. I'm a big fan of Katims' work.

Does Tuggb Romney make an appearance?

Yeah, in the scene before she looked "serious sad" when she talked about how Nick couldn't plan things. It seemed to me that by that point she realized herself that she shouldn't be as sad as she felt.

Yeah, the video had enough Nick Miller touches to keep it from being too much. And Jess is the type to love a birthday video, however sappy it may be. The fact that birthday videos are pretty common also kept it from being too unrealistic or sitcommy for me.

I actually liked the birthday video thing because it is pretty common to do that in real life. I thought they were building towards a concert or fireworks or something, but the birthday video was such a simple, sweet thing to do, that it actually made me emotional.