
I can see where you are coming from, but I still don't think someone should assume that a person wanting to marry someone of a similar cultural background is automatically racist or close-minded. It is one thing to point out bigotry and hatred, but another thing to have a knee-jerk reaction towards someone's decision

Noticed that Transparent won the outstanding main title music award, well deserved! That piano music is a perfect encapsulation of the series: sad, wistful, yet hopeful at the same time.

Thanks for assuming I'm narrow-minded, just because I would like to marry within my culture! Very open-minded of you.

I know in my case (I'm an Indian-American in my 20s who will probably get an arranged marriage in a few years, seeing how things are going), caste is important because of the cultural aspects of caste. My family doesn't believe in a hierarchy in the castes, but in my caste especially, there are certain cultural

I kind of want her to stay with Cole, because it still seems that there is a love there, but one that was clouded by her guilt about Gabriel. But now that she has seemingly worked through that guilt, I feel like she and Cole could find their way back to each other. Noah though, maybe he should be alone for a while.

Yeah, I really loved Alison's story. Her telling Cole that she needed to get the fuck out of there was cathartic (as well as the rest of her part, of course, but that's what really stood out to me). I loved the way she realized that Noah or no Noah, she needed a new life.

And just for Cristin Milioti, I hope A to Z succeeds. It looks like something that may become something good.

But it wouldn't affect the egg outside of the uterus right? Which makes invitro fertilization (with a surrogate, I guess) possible for all of the clones. I guess the cancer affects the viability of the eggs somehow, which is why Helena's egg being fertilized is so special.

I just assumed, but now I'm not sure…

Hmmm…I don't really see the connection. Yes, they were both "lost" clones, but how would that affect their biology? I think they may be the "original" clones, which is why they don't have the disease, but someone tried to hide their existence from the Dyad institute? I may be mistaken though, I'm not sure if I have

I read somewhere else that Helena's fertilized egg dividing indicates that Helena can reproduce. From last week's discussion of Jennifer's(?) disease, I had assumed that the infertility was caused by a disease in the uterus rather than nonviable eggs, but I guess the problem is with the eggs themselves. I wonder what

Blessed by Jesus? I'm gonna get an A+++!

So Helena's egg was definitely fertilized by Henrik's sperm right?

I guess I'm not getting my point across well, sorry. I totally agree with you that the writers didn't have to break them up to have them in independent storylines. And a better writing team would have been able to figure out how to do both. I love this show, but the writers are very narrow when it comes to the

As I said, I'm not saying that the episodes of Jess with others will be great or even good in the beginning. The writers seemed to have noticed that the other episodes fell flat and steered away from pairing Jess with anyone else. But when your main character can only pair well with one other character, then there is

See, while I loved the chemistry of Deschanel and Johnson as much as anyone else, it always bugged me how she didn't really have storylines with other main characters. My favorite episode this season was "Basketsballs" because we had development of the Jess-Coach relationship while still having Nick and Jess scenes.

This was…ok. New Girl's season finales have always been iffy to me, so I didn't expect to love this one anyway.

Exactly. They definitely shouldn't have let the season focus fully on Nick and Jess. But I'm hoping that breaking them up may help the writers develop the other characters better, so that they don't always go to Nick-Jess for stories. That way, when they do get back together, we won't be inundated with Nick-Jess plots

I wasn't really disagreeing, more just explaining my view. I guess I don't think they are going to ignore the Nick-Jess story completely, as that's been a huge part of the show. Just because they (mostly) ignored it for a week doesn't mean it won't come back. It makes sense that after a break-up, Nick and Jess

This definitely wasn't the best ensemble episode (ironically, last week's showcased the ensemble much better, even though Nick and Jess were the center of the plot). But I think there is value in mixing things up once in a while, even with each character getting their own plot. I really like Nick and Jess together,