
I thought it could be better, for sure, but I liked it. It was refreshing to not have Nick and Jess be the center of the episode for a week. And it was funny!

I always find poorly-done rap hilarious, but then again, I'm a simple woman.

This was kinda refreshing and very well done. Maybe not the most insightful or deep episode, but I didn't realize how much I missed Cece-Jess stories until tonight. I can kinda see why the writers broke Nick and Jess up now. While I still don't understand the execution of the break-up, I'm guessing they wanted to free


I really like Brooklyn Nine-Nine, but I still think New Girl is the better show. But I'm weird. If New Girl doesn't fix things next season, and b99 keeps improving, I may have a different opinion next year.

I agree, though I expect the distinction wasn't clear because this was the morning after their break up. I'm pretty confident the show will explore how they handle being in the same loft in the next few episodes.

I'm probably never going to stop watching New Girl, because I still feels like it deals with the emotions of these characters so well. But it sucks that my uneasiness with the timing of the break up may color my perception of later episodes, however funny or well-acted they may be. And I feel like this episode dealt

same here. I'm worried that I won't fully enjoy any future episodes without further explanation about the break up because obviously the break up will have an impact on future storylines.

I personally feel like they were supportive during their relationship, and I actually do agree that they are probably a bit too different to be a long-term couple. They basically alternated episodes where they were supportive and episodes which highlighted their differences. So it's not that I don't support the break

The episode wasn't that funny, but it was still good in navigating the emotions and the character's were spot on. Two things:

I don't think the investor guy is a programmer, so he needed a team to develop it anyway, might as well be the guy who created the algorithm,

I was wondering about that too! I thought that maybe he had the settings on private (I know I've had my github settings as private for class projects), and was just going to allow the brogrammers permission to his repo.

I don't have amazon prime, so I stopped watching Betas, but I just need to know: Nash is gay right? Or was I reading the scenes from that episode with the dates totally wrong?

I see. I'm glad they are pursuing that storyline, because it makes sense that Richard would be too naive to legally protect his algorithm. I felt so bad for Richard though, I really like him as the lead.

And I think they talked about it in the lego movie comment boards, but the bechdel test shouldn't be used as a metric for individual tv shows. I really get annoyed when people reference the bechdel test as the gold standard for feminist art when it really doesn't mean anything.

I'm unfamilar with copyright law, but how could Richard have prevented Hooli from stealing his algorithm? If he had a registered company, would it be easier to sue them on legal grounds? I also remember him saying that he could show the code to the "brogrammers" on github last episode, so maybe Richard was just naive

Haha, sorry! I didn't mean to sound like I was angry with you. I'm just annoyed in general. And I agree with everything you said.

That's fine I get that. But then they shouldn't have spent so much time on the mother! They shouldn't have had several scenes with Ted letting go of Robin! If they knew this was the ending all along, they should have realized that a 60 minute clip show of Robin being depressed and Ted being in love wouldn't be enough

Yay for bonding through anger!

That makes a lot of sense. Makes me feel slightly better, but I'm still very disappointed.