
I didn't think they did the "where is she?" moment for drama, it was just to show how affected Jess was by the video. The story itself was cliche, I agree, but I am a sucker for cheese.

The episode wasn't perfect, but damn, I was smiling through that whole birthday movie. Possibly my favorite episode of the season (though Clavado En Un Bar comes close). I'm actually a bit surprised that Nick and Jess haven't said "I love you", yet, but the show is doing such a good job of showing that they care for

I had the exact same inner monologue. Glad to see I'm not alone in worrying that I may be racist. (I don't think I am, but I tend to not get offended by as many things as my friends, so who knows?)

I liked this a lot, but I think if the show had more scenes with Winston figuring out how to sabotage the old guy, the end would flow better. But Jess, Nick and Coach were gold, and it was nice to see some Cece-Winston interaction.

Aww..that's too bad. I was looking forward to seeing him in this show. Hopefully his new show will be good though, I remember seeing him in New Girl and hoping he got a series soon, he is just so funny!

After trophy wife, this is my favorite comedy pilot this season. It was funny and sweet. I especially liked when the whole platoon came together for a group hand-on-head circle. It was sweet without being forced. I am kind of worried about the supporting characters being too broad, but hopefully that should be

I do think that the "voice of a generation" thing was just a marketing tactic and the show does not necessarily want us to see the characters as representatives of different types. That being said, the show would work much better to me if it had an Arrested Development approach and we weren't supposed to care about

Loved the conversation! I think for me, New Girl isn't the best at plotting and the Winston situation needs to be solved, but New Girl is so good at showing us the motivations for its characters' actions, that it is definitely one of my favorite shows. It nails the emotions of all the characters so so well.

The Gas Station Rebate episode alone would make Nathan For You the best comedy of the year. Everything else is just icing on the cake.

Anyone who watched the third episode of Betas, (kinda SPOILER warning?), they definitely were telegraphing that Nash is gay, right? I wasn't just imagining things?


Anyone been watching the Amazon shows? I've been watching Betas, and while it is still very choppy, I see some potential, especially with Karan Soni and the main guy's characters. What do y'all think?

To be clear, i don't think New Girl is going downhill or anything, but I do think the writers need time to bring Coach into the group and make episodes more cohesive, as you said. It isn't anything to do with 5 being a crowd, but more a desire to be more invested in the specific character of Coach. I didn't expect

I feel the exact same way. I mean, it was easy to tell that Winston was feeling left out and Nick couldn't communicate with Winston. I have a feeling that an emotional scene was cut in editing. Which is a shame, because an extension of that scene instead of the Schmidt shenanigans at the chocolate shop would have made

I kind of agree with you. While I am glad the return of Coach seems to make the writers use different character pairings like seen in this episode, I just have no investment in his character.Season 3 as a whole has good parts, but I feel like the writers are still trying to make it more cohesive. But I still like this

I really liked this episode, though it wasn't the funniest. But I'm realizing that I like New Girl episodes a lot more after a rewatch, so maybe I'll find it funnier tomorrow. Favorite character moments:

I would say B+ as well. it wasn't the funniest half hour, but it was refreshing to see different pairings and Winston finally get a win.

Bounty is delicious. Just wanted to put that out there.

But since there isn't a relationship between his race and suckiness, I don't see the problem, I would rather have many Asian characters with diverse personality types than have all of them be perfect angels.

I'm Indian so I guess I was the exception! Granted, I liked the pilot, but it just got exhausting and unfunny afterwards when every joke was about cows or Indian food. It did have a talented cast though.