
Exactly. The episodes where Nick and Jess are not an A-story do such a good job with showing us why they are together. So I wish the episodes that feature their relationship as the main story would expand on that. Instead, the episodes just have some silly conflict and then they reiterate their commitment to the

SPOILER ALERT: Apparently, they go on a date in a later episode.

Community has Shirley and Troy, at least it did before Glover left

I was worried that the plot would be too similar to other episodes where Cece is just the wise advisor to Jess, so I liked that they tied in Cece's insecurities and issues with the plot-line.

The number 4 doesn't do it for me. 8 though…..

I think I liked Jess's plot a lot, but the guys' plot seemed to have too many ideas (Coach's breakup, Nick and Jess, Schmidt being sad, Nick and Schmidt in a fight (?)).

I thought this was…okay. For some reason, it just didn't click for me. I'm not sure why.

I'm excited for Betas! I really enjoyed the pilot, even though it had some flaws.

Bennett and Strong doing Update makes a lot of sense. If only they would follow your plan…

Saw his stand-up in Dallas over the summer and loved it. I especially liked how he acknowledged the differences between Indian and American culture in a funny but not offensive way, in contrast to Russel Peters, who just says stuff in an Indian accent and expects us to laugh.

I have never had chocolate colored fruit and I have always wanted to try it. One day!

Those existed? I have never wanted to time travel more than I do now.

Ferrero Rocher
Sour Skittles
And this chocolate from India called "Melody". Idk if there is an American equivalent

Same. I was actually thinking of going as Violet from the movie for Halloween!

Upvoted for the Regina Spektor! Though The Calculation is kind of a depressing song…

Fall break, maybe?

I love how the show is willing to mix up the pairings of the characters. I was a big fan of the Rosa-Terry plot this week. I kinda wish Gina and Boyle had a plot together, they would make an interesting pairing.

Haha, touche. Or as Nick would say it : "douch-ay".

Oh yeah! That was a good one.

This comment will probably already be buried, but anyway: