
Good catch! I didn't even realize that she has done the same thing before!

Well, yes, but this is New Girl. I don't think they would name a cat "Ferguson" just because.

I don't get how people misspell it in the first place. It is pretty obvious that the name is a pun.

I actually thought Jess tonight was reminiscent of Jess in season 1 (but in a good way). She is so often the voice of reason around the loft nowadays, so it was nice to get a reminder that she does stupid things too.

I loved that. So out-of-the-blue yet so perfect.

Loved those books as a kid. Though I think Jess is more of a Beezus and Nick is more of a Ramona.

I understand why Modern Family doesn't introduce a lot of recurring characters, since they have so many people in the main cast to service. But since I find only 3 characters on MF remotely interesting, it gets really boring really quickly. The Middle has fewer characters, but better developed, which makes it more

Great review. One thing I've always appreciated about The Middle is how its characters have lives outside of the family. While the Heck family interactions are undoubtedly the best part of the show, the characters are strong enough to have their own meaningful plots at school or at work. Modern Family, on the other

Tatiana maslany is on parks and rec this week, right? Can't wait! I hope she's a clone of Ann so Leslie still has her beautiful tropical fish.

This is my favorite episode of the season so far. I laughed out loud a lot (Nick's comment about putting his money where his mouth is was gold). Only thing that annoyed me was the whole " I would do anything for you" sappiness at the end. But I am a single girl rooming with someone in a happy relationship, so it could

@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus yeah, I guess I've been fine with it so far, so I tend to be more optimistic about the storyline. I can see where you're coming from though. I guess I've always thought Schmidt was getting increasingly douchier as the series progressed anyway, so I am happy that his

@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus Who says Nick won't call Schmidt out on his crap? Schmidt did say he was going to break Nick and Jess up towards the end of the episode, and I'm guessing the writers wanted to end the episode on a funny note. I can't see Jess and Nick not getting angry at Schmidt if he

This plotline was really cliche and shouldn;t have been introduced in the first place, I agree. But the confrontation from tonight's episode was so obviously telegraphed that I always thought there would be some other issue that would come to light. I never thought it would be like "Schmidt is horrible for cheating!….

I agree, except I like seeing New Girl get dark. If these first few episodes were just Nick and Jess being happy, I wouldn't have been happy. I've always liked that New Girl usually has clear motivations for its character's behavior (however warped their reasoning may be).  All the emotions are spot on, and I like how


Hey! Don't feel pity for Winston. He could get a table at a chair store!

I think we should be safe from a season long arc of Schmidt being evil to Nick and Jess. According to Max Greenfield:

I have a feeling he will be pretty villainous for the next one or two episodes and then he'll realize how horrible he is being. I think the writers didn't want to just stop at him losing the two women, because we all knew that was going to happen. They really want to bring him down and then pull him back up. I think

The fact that he referred to himself in the third person was what cracked me up.

@avclub-b750f74544cb00c138079607276995e9:disqus That's true. I always forget how popular TBBT is across the country, because I limit my TV viewing to a few shows. I guess it just hasn't reached a "classic" status for me yet, so saying that the doors are the most familiar in any sitcom ever seems weird to me.