
I guess I am not as familiar with TBBT, but I still think saying the apartment doors in TBBT are the most familiar doors in sitcom history is ridiculously exaggerated. They are at least all of the same level of familiarity for me. But agree to disagree!

To be honest, I don't mind TBBT and will watch it in reruns. But this article definitely overstates its influence and exaggerates its place in the sitcom hierarchy.

"Most familiar pair of apartment doors in sitcom history"?
Um, Seinfeld and Friends would like a word.

But it is obvious that Schmidt is angry with himself for lying to those women. Greenfield's face at the end of the party and his general anguish changed my interpretation from "wacky hijinks" to "what the hell is this guy doing?", in my opinion.

I thought the first half was real funny (the guys singing to Jess was awesome) but the second half kinda dragged. But Winston got as much screen-time as the others.Improvement!

Even though the Schmidt plot was dumb, Greenfield and the writing did a great job of showing that he regretted it almost immediately and is aware of how deceptive he is being.  But I have to think that the show is more interested in how that affects Schmidt's future choices than in the two-timing itself, because it

See, I liked Dopey Cop, but I feel the same with Angry Cop. But they both were funny in their jump cuts as well, so I'm sure there is nothing to worry about.

That's true, but it did still seem like she was there to just sigh and roll her eyes at Samberg's antics. I'm optimistic, of course, but if she is going to share a lot of screen time with Samberg, she'll have to react to him with more than a frustrated sigh. But the hot sauce bit was a good indicator that they'll do

@avclub-d89b833158f0d9a73fd33bb243fe5786:disqus  The show has always had troubles with premieres and finales though, IMO, so I don't think we should be too worried because of a less-than-excellent premiere.

Fumero and Samberg had great chemistry. I just hope Fumero is more than a straight (wo)man. One thing I loved was that all of the characters seemed like normal people, with their own quirks. I hope the show is able to keep that calibration of funny and grounded.

I feel like New Girl always has trouble with premieres and finales, so my expectations weren't high for the episode. I thought the emotional stuff with Nick and Jess were spot on and Winston was great, but it just wasn't very funny. I'm confident that the show will get better over the course of the next few episodes

This is proof that babies always ruin sitcoms. Showrunners, take note!

Some of the episodes are available on hulu (after not being offered for a while), so I was genuinely hopeful that Bunheads was going to be renewed. They burst my Bunhead Bubble!

Which moment are you referring to? I've only seen a few episodes with Oliver, but so far I've loved his coup.

I thought this was a reality show about Anne Hathaway's spooky family, so now I am disappointed.

I sure hope so. Morris is awesome. The only reason he hasn't had seasons like Nick and Schmidt is because of the material he is given. It would break my heart if he got even fewer storylines just because Happy Endings was cancelled (and I say this as a fan of Wayans Jr.).

That headline literally made my heart stop for a second. As much as I love Coach and Damon Wayans Jr., the Mojo Man is where it's at.

^THIS. I mean, I understand if people find Deschanel annoying (though I personally am a big fan), but this isn't really even a story. As the article said, many other artists have requested the same thing.

I'm a vegetarian, so I can't tell you anything about BBQ, but if you want a heavenly dessert, go to Hyde Park Bar and Grill. All of their desserts are good, but the peach pudding is especially sumptuous.

Mike singing to Amy made me laugh out loud, which rarely happens. I also loved his "feel the force" line to Selina.