
It's kind of funny how Catherine is the best at answering questions in the interviews. She was the most prepared and level headed of the Meyer clan this episode.

That may be true, but I still think that middle school is way too early to be pushing kids these hard. I went to a very competitive high school and most of my friends were pushed hard by their parents starting around 10th grade. The ones who were under a lot of pressure from middle school ended up getting very

I didn't watch the spelling bee this year (I usually don't actually), but it annoys me how there is obviously so much pressure on these kids. The competition should be fun, not a pressure party. You just won the spelling bee, why don't you ease up on studying for one summer? I wouldn't mind it if it seemed like

Got interested after this review. Went to the wikipedia page to find out more, fully intending to skip the plot synopsis for fear of getting spoiled. Spoiler was in the first sentence.

Just posted the same thing below. Should have checked first!

Whitney and 1600 Penn cancelled, if anyone wanted to know.

@Merve2:disqus : Yeah, it's worse when people ask if I'm "Hindi". I don't know whether they're confusing Hindu and Hindi, or if they want to know if I speak Hindi. I always answer "I don't speak Hindi, but I am Hindu" and then they look confused.

I see where you're coming from, but I think I give them a pass for how well they're portraying the arranged marriage part of it. It's a huge part of Indian culture, and they are treating the idea with respect. So I don't mind the surface-level inaccuracies.

Same here. Am I supposed to feel bad? I mean I've been asked something similar before and I've never been offended.

"fantastico" when he kisses her shoulder.

Jess was really awesome this episode. I liked how we got to see her perspective on her relationship with Nick, as so far we've only really seen Nick's side of things. really excited for the finale!

This is kind of late, but I agree. As Erik said, there was certainly a lived-in feel and the dialogue was smart without being too cynical or pretentious. I did think the investor plot was resolved too quickly, but since it is a pilot, it is understandable. And you're right, it would be great to have a show about young

That's true, but him becoming manager would be kind of sweet, seeing as he's always wanted to be manager. It would be a nice ending for him.

Yeah, but if they are parents, we have the opportunity for more hijinks! Everyone loves hijinks!

That is LITERALLY the best ending ever.

Will Dwight become the manager then?

I have a feeling it is April…but I kinda hope it's Ann.

Did anyone else notice that Jess glanced at Nick when she was talking about how her first time was in the moment and they weren't thinking? A subtle way of showing how Jess is frustrated with Nick for overthinking and not telling her how he feels.

I read somewhere that the editors increased the pitch of their voices to make them sound like teens.

I really liked the episode, but I think it would have been a lot more effective if the episode that aired before this was "First Date" rather than "Bachelorette" (the original episode order). And I knew the ending beforehand (never reading spoilers again!). But still awesome, funny and really sweet.