
I think in this case, yeah, it's not going to work out. There isn't enough time to get to know the other person and Cece is so doubtful as it is. But a lot of people in my family had arranged marriages, and there were at least 6 months between the "engagement" and the wedding for all of them, which gave the couple a

Yeah, I agree. She really didn't know his name wasn't pronounced "Shiv-rang"? I thought she was just pronouncing it that way because everyone else was saying "Shiv-rang" and she didn't want them to feel embarrassed.

I really appreciate how they're treating all the Indian characters on the show. As an Indian-American myself, it gets really annoying when the Indian parents are super-stereotypical and mean. In this case, I would totally believe Ankitaji's annoyance at seeing all those pics of Cece, but it was nice when she told the

I get it now, I think. I didn't realize they were going to Nick's car for him to change, I thought they were going to his car to leave the restaurant. So I was confused about why they kept going back to the restaurant when they were about to leave anyway.

That makes a lot of sense. One thing I love about how they're writing Nick and Jess is how ambiguous it all is. Which gets kind of frustrating to me, as a huge Nick/Jess shipper, but is fascinating from a character point of view.  I really like how their feelings make sense based on past episodes. Jess isn't just

I really liked the episode (though I probably liked it more once I started thinking about how unconventional the Nick-Jess storyline was), but I'm confused. Why did they have to keep going back to the same restaurant?

I'm a big fan. Their first album is a bit too twee for me (though I still like it), but the second album is quieter and more introspective. I'm really looking forward to this album.

And hey, with Winston's serial killer stare, maybe New Girl will get as murdery as The Following in Season 3!

Same here. While I love Parks and Rec, I feel like it's told most of the stories it needs to tell. I really just want it to be renewed because I would miss the cast so much. New Girl ,on the other hand, is just getting started, and there's so much potential. If it didn't come back, I would be really really sad.

Yay for New Girl! Not that I was worried, but it's nice to have confirmation that one of your favorite comedies will be here for another season (still waiting for that Parks and Rec renewal, NBC!).

thank you for the link! I was looking for that song.  It was the perfect song for that montage.

I liked it too, but I guess I expected it to be warm, like cider. It was still tasty. I especially liked the whipped topping.

Those sound delicious.  I've always wanted to try plum pudding as well, though that's probably because the "plum pudding" model of atomic structure has been drilled into my head in each science class I've ever taken…

Apparently they're made of dead rats! That's where you get the flavor!

I've always wanted to try any food described in Harry Potter, like pumpkin pasties and treacle tart. I've never had British food, so it all seems so exotic and sumptuous to me. And yes, the butterbeer at the theme park is not what I imagined when I read the books. I like it, but I really want to try the real thing.

Nick's "I'm not having a good time with this game!" reminded of Ron Swanson's "I'm hungry and I hate everything!" from season 2. Just the right amount of anguish in each line.

True, there hasn't been any mention of his brother since he came back….What if the show ends with Andy murdering everyone in the office, and they have to use the documentary footage for the trial? That would be interesting.

I'm gonna be uncool and say I liked it. I think the Jim and Pam tension was built up well and the storyline was pretty funny to me. The Andy-Erin-Pete stuff was meh, but I like how they are making Andy a completely horrible person. I think the conflict he brings is artificial, but I am excited to see him get what he

I agree. But I think that while  the boom Brian story line may be disappointing, it's just that one story line. The documentary reveal has a lot of potential, and we can't write it off as a failed experiment without seeing whether they do anything else with it.

Thanks for responding!