
I understand that critics want to analyze important reveals and events in TV shows, such as the kiss in New Girl and the above article. But I really feel like these think-pieces are premature. You really can't dismiss a story arc before it is finished. This isn't to say that I fully support the Boom Brian story line,

Why does Leslie always get her way? P&R is still my favorite show, but it really bugs me how everyone bows down to Leslie. You would think after "The Fight" and  the steamroller episode in season 4, Leslie would realize that she can't make everyone's decisions. I don't know, I just think that as a character based show

I don't know, I thought it was pretty funny. At least I laughed a lot. We all know that Pam isn't going to cheat on Jim and I really don't think that's where they're going with this story line. Maybe I'm giving the writers too much credit, but I feel like this is less of a love-triangle and more of a catalyst for Jim

I don't know, I thought it was pretty funny. At least I laughed a lot. We all know that Pam isn't going to cheat on Jim and I really don't think that's where they're going with this story line. Maybe I'm giving the writers too much credit, but I feel like this is less of a love-triangle and more of a catalyst for Jim

I am thoroughly embarrassed by how much I squealed when they kissed.

That's true. They definitely didn't get the whole thing though, so it wouldn't have been that helpful.

That's true. They definitely didn't get the whole thing though, so it wouldn't have been that helpful.

Well, they were filming her during the recital right? So I don't think they would have gotten much footage of the actual recital.

Well, they were filming her during the recital right? So I don't think they would have gotten much footage of the actual recital.

Jenna Fischer was really amazing in that last scene. As Erik's been saying, we've been getting brilliant non-verbal acting from her this season.

Jenna Fischer was really amazing in that last scene. As Erik's been saying, we've been getting brilliant non-verbal acting from her this season.

I still liked this episode, but I thought it was too rushed, especially with the Parent Trap story line. I think this episode had some of Deschanel's best acting, though. Her wide-eyed look when she realized her parents were never getting together was surprisingly effective.

I still liked this episode, but I thought it was too rushed, especially with the Parent Trap story line. I think this episode had some of Deschanel's best acting, though. Her wide-eyed look when she realized her parents were never getting together was surprisingly effective.

See, I always interpreted Schmidt's reason for breaking up with Cece as a cover-up for his jealousy of her model coworkers. The whole "you deserve better" seemed false to me.  So when Cece goes out with someone who isn't "model" material, Schmidt thinks he can get her back.

See, I always interpreted Schmidt's reason for breaking up with Cece as a cover-up for his jealousy of her model coworkers. The whole "you deserve better" seemed false to me.  So when Cece goes out with someone who isn't "model" material, Schmidt thinks he can get her back.

Same here. I felt like most of the humor came from pop culture references, and the majority of them just didn't land for me (although Sin-brad was hilarious).

Same here. I felt like most of the humor came from pop culture references, and the majority of them just didn't land for me (although Sin-brad was hilarious).

I still think awards are stupid, but they’d be less stupid if they went to the right people

I still think awards are stupid, but they’d be less stupid if they went to the right people

For me, it's when a girl wakes up from bed with her makeup still perfect and undamaged. For example. Jess on New Girl is in her pajamas like 50% of the time, but her eyeliner is never smudged.