
Totally agree. Even with the slight nuance that was added to her character this episode, Chelsea Peretti has started to really grate on me. I found myself cringing every time Gina came on screen, and that bummed me out.

I tend to agree. Obviously it's a completely different show stylistically and narratively, but I can't read the AV Club's Key & Peele reviews anymore because the reviewer over-analyzes and breaks down every single joke. It's tedious and ridiculous.

And this from a misanthrope. Upvote!

But of course Tina runs without using her arms. That was a nice touch.

B- The Colin Hanks sketch was way too long and lame.

Ah, thanks. I missed that part.

I'll upvote yours—for the both of us. You make a really good point about the consistency of that tone. The dichotomy seemed a little more stark this episode, but, definitely, it's been there from the get-go.

The ass shot proved what we suspected all along though…Boyle has some serious ups. But yeah, that was kind of a hardcore flirt-with-death-ending sprinkled with the usual goofiness. Strange vibe. And why does a convicted (multiple?) murderer go free after what looks like no more than 20 years? Because sitcom.

"That's right. Boom. Just kicked Santa in the testicles."
"It's me, Charles, from work!"

What can I say? Santiago brings out the wholesome and protective in me.

I love the lines themselves — sometimes even more so when they're posted again here out of context — but I feel like it might be time to give Santiago a new note to play, you know?

That would be Pembleton. Detective Frank Pembleton.

I absolutely thought it was Peralta.

I pictured something more along the lines of a Good Housekeeping than an Uptight Cops Gone Naked type mag.

"It’s a tribute to Amy Fumero that I’m not totally over her sycophantism toward Holt"


It was the low point for me, too. Obviously there is a suspension of disbelief required to enjoy any show, and I'm totally willing to go there for B99 because it's shaping up to be so much fun. But the vending machine thing was too ridiculous and forced. Peralta may be a self-centered goof, but he's not a moron.

—Then you still have all your wishes!
—You're not a genie.

Insert ACA joke here.

B+. The whole Peralta snack machine date vs. Peralta as abandoned son reveal was a weird shift in extremes to me. Diaz and Santiago plot…eh. But Joe Lo Truglia saved the day again. Just the way he jumped on the firehouse pole…beautiful.