
No one has mentioned
"Coyote" by El Goodo. If anybody wants a shot of very fun retro-pop to the head this album is all kinds of California 1968.

Have you guys heard "The Red Album"? Holy crap. That's a great one.

@ Steve Dave

(Yeah, I know that was "London Calling" We listened to that as well.)

@ the little asian. Here's what you do: Watch the Weather Channel and as soon as the forecast calls for a day over 90 degrees put that CD in you car the night before. Then, wait until it's about noon or until your car is almost too hot to get into. Then get in and fire that mother up and go for a ride with the windows

Off that compilation? Boomtown Rats all the way. "Lookin' After No.1" Oh yeah.

"Kids" is also a big Summer Jam for me.

@ Tarkovskys former AD: Have you ever known anyone with advanced Alzheimer's? Probably not, so let me tell you what it's like. You see a person that you used to know and love. They look just as you remember them except that they pee on themselves all the time. Oh, and also they will never know who you are again. If I

Oh, fuck yeah! Ditto the "Electric Feel" in Alabama where the summer never ends whether you want it to or not.

Can we officially retire the phrase "dad rock" when referring to that album?

I can completely vouch for what this man is saying.

I got into Rage Against the Machine via summer osmosis. A friend of mine was 16 when everyone else in the group was 15, so we rode around with him for a whole summer and that was all he listened to. At the beginning of the summer I wasn't really into it, but by the end it was my shit. I still love "Bombtrack" and

I've gotten in the habit of bringing up YouTube in another tab while I read this website so I can do the ol' copy and paste and hear what you guys are talking about. Speaking of which, I'm really digging "Cali in the Summertime" by Roscoe. Thank you person on the last page.

I hate to be that guy but, "Blood on the Tracks" is from 1975. Sorry, had to do it. That said, "Highway 61 Revisited" is definitely a summer favorite of mine.

"Friends of Mine" is where it's at on Odessey & Oracle.

Marijuana and the song "Eons" went together pretty well back in 2000. I still have a *very small* soft spot in my heart for 311.

"Let Me Ride" by Dr. Dre and "Computer Love" by Zapp & Roger. Two of the greatest summer songs.

They used to think it was so cute
When she said "Dyer Maker"
All the boys knew it was a joke about Jamaica

Also, Dr. Dog… a lot.

Right on, man. "Green River" is a perfect song for.. well… going down to the river actually. "Lookin' Out My Back Door"?!? Fuck yeah!