
Can we talk about the last shot?

He definitely calls him "WAAAALTER" with some contempt at one point early on in the show.

It also should be noted that Walter has switched from the traditional taupe Wallabies to black Wallabies.

Ozymandias is Ramesses II of Egypt, not Alexander the Great. He lived and died approximately 1,000 years before the time of Aristotle and Alexander.

With Patterson's dad, David Hood, on bass, nonetheless. Very cool song!

With Patterson's dad, David Hood, on bass, nonetheless. Very cool song!

Here, here, Nabin! Now can you guys please run Steve Heisler out of town on a rail?

Here, here, Nabin! Now can you guys please run Steve Heisler out of town on a rail?

Is that Robert Flack the South African cricketer born in 1917 or Robert Flack the English cricketer born in 1943?

Is that Robert Flack the South African cricketer born in 1917 or Robert Flack the English cricketer born in 1943?

They shot her right in the tummy.

Like Malick but not terribly, terribly boring. So, kinda the opposite of a Malick film in that respect.

The actor who plays Huell is also an absolutely fucking hilarious stand-up comedian named Lavell Crawford. Do yourself a favor and YouTube him now!

It's also kinda the same shot from after the bloodbath at the end of 'Taxi Driver'. Brilliant shot though. If you're gonna steal, steal from the best.

It's a little magnetic compartment where you put the key in and then stick it under the bumper or the wheel-well. They'll run you about $3 at Wal-Mart. They look like this:

So, wait, you allude to the song "I Can't Dance" by Genesis, which absolutely goes on this list, but then you leave it off; what gives?

I'm not wrong.

Also, I wholeheartedly disagree with you on the Crimson cover. It's classic.

My Morning Jacket
I don't think any of their album covers are good. They are all either too busy or just completely visually unappealing. That said, they always rock, so I don't really care.

"Fat", "Yoda", "Beverly Hillbillies", "Frank's 2000 Inch TV", "I'm So Sick of You". Jesus, the man's entire catalog is awesome. He is one of my greatest heroes.