
Nope. Because I understand what he meant.

I'd give a shit if it didn't happen every damn week. Why people want to point out Sara now is the bullshit. Oh my! They made a woman look weak! It's not a legit complaint. These heroes (shockingly of all genders) on all of these shows struggle with foes they should not struggle with all the damn time. That's my point.

Not every reaction is a logical or natural one. That's why I said that on a certain level I get it. It's just not the way I roll.

Ahh yes. There's the reason why I didn't remember. Because I never cared.

I honestly don't even remember who that is.

I watched in reverse from season four as well. The thing is, when I was younger I would discover shows mid way into the run and watch from there. I would double back later. I could not imagine doing that now but I wasn't a slave to my TV love as I am now also. Now, not only to I need to watch from the beginning, I

I have never ever stopped watching a show because they killed someone off. That just silly to me personally. I get it to a certain extent but I could only see it if I was I primarily watching for one character. Unless that person is the lead, than I find it very bizzare to watch just for that character. That show must

It's like something I heard Bruce Lee say. I'm just paraphrasing but he didn't by into fighting being something that needs to be honorable. You do what you have to do to win/survive.

Well that's just true of any story and doesn't need to be said.

It's not even like Agent Carter is terrible choice to be saved. It's just that people start name checking Netflix anytime anything gets cancelled. I'm just kind of personally over it. It makes more sense with the marvel/Netflix connection. But, it had a longer run than numbers would justify. I'm fine with that. The

They seemed fine to me. I have no idea what you are going on about. But, that's just perception.

Who cares. She was a plot device.

Could we stop naming Netflix as the Savior for every show? It's also okay to let even really good shows die. There is also zero room for it on Netflix with there every six months strategy. You wouldn't see another season for three years.

I haven't always agreed with your opinions but I got to give you props for the boomerang reference.

Yes he has been great at us job. But between the way he treats Darden and others as well as working so hard for this guilty person is the evil part. He's totally doing his job but it's hard to just watch him be so good in defense of someone so evil.

This is still a Ryan Murphy production.

Which does not matter at all in a case so racially charged. Putting a supposed racist on the stand to give facts will just be overshadowed by his past in this case.

I actually love that OJ sounds so damn whiny because it makes him sound like a child. Anytime OJ can get taken down a peg, I'm cool with it.

He's a fame whore. Way more concerned about his new celebrity status than you would hope a professional judge would be.

Framing the shot of the nigga please line so that Cochran towered over Darden was a nice touch as well.