
The power rangers save the world via their town every episode. Not doing that would be the thing that doesn't make sense.

I hope continues to say what the hell he wants. It's choice to watch or not. I don't need him to adapt to anything.

I'm a Buffy/Xander shipper.

Nerds arguing over seasons. There is nothing people can't just let go.

Man, this is not the site to go to for Power discussion. Not many actual fans here.

I know that your comment sure as fuck wasn't good.

Uhh, Godammit is the phrase Goggins does better than all others.

Tasha need more to do. I assume figuring out what happened to Sean will be her main focus.

Keep fighting the good fight. This is the number one show on Starz and it's the only show I've come across anyone in my life giving a shit about besides game of thrones but it barely a blip on the radar around here. Probably too black for most around here to care. See empire and black ish who have weak followings on

We have a whole pregnancy to explore these topics.

I do like the little addition that in one reality, Dylan just decided to break off from the family for good and that's the end of it.

Best full season of a TV show I've seen in years. No hyperbole.

While it was good episode, that CW line from Cat? Oof. Clunky as a motherfucker. Not just the line but Calistas line delivery.

Man, Warner Bros. Just give the creative keys to Berlanti and company. Damn shame that DC and their TV shows are more entertaining than their 200 million dollar spectacle. I don't even like this show that much!

He met Jennifer Garner because of that movie. Short term - he's happy with his choice.

to be fair, the movie is still shit either way.

or…it's foreshadowing since the twelve year old girl line clearly struck a nerve.

I wonder when this falls into the timeline with Civil War. Between the incident (or incidents at this point), Buckey and Punisher, that is a lot of reasons for the country to be on edge. The Punisher is sterling example of why allowing vigilantes to their thing should never just be accepted. As Frank has said in the

I get that. Other people need to.

….That's the point. This use of red kryptonite had consequences that extended beyond the leads of the show. This progressed the character, the plot and raised the stakes of the show. Which is why it was…better, IMO.