
are we just going to lather, rinse repeat this every time Clark could be a solution. It's not going to happen. Let it go. Also, Flash isn't going to run and pull Arrow out of jam every week nor will the Avengers show up every time one of them is in a jam. By the time they figured out Kara was having a serious problem,

I forgot to add, I liked the swerve (at least in my mind). I was expecting Kara to go all Buffy season 2 episode 1 and toy with Winn to make James jealous or to play with Winn's emotions but they didn't go that route. Unless I'm blanking, they did nothing with it. Well played.

Ok, I'm going to something I've never done before and declare this episode of Supergirl as legit great television. I've mocked the people who rave about how amazing this show. Just taking for the show for what it is, there was nothing I could deem amazing here. Even the much praised episode where she lost her powers

It's a weird predicament the group has. Letting people go and showing mercy has bit them in the ass time and time again. But, taking no prisoners is also going to lead them to their biggest enemy to date so, what do you do? Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

And character development is just as important as PLOT DEVELOPMENT! It was also important to see an actual glimpse of how this group works and thinks instead of just being a cannon fodder. I get tired of the filler bullshit because A. this comes up everytime it's non action episode. Sure you say non action ones

Yeah, I rather see them growing food and trying to start a new government. Something along those line that would be thrilling to watch on action/horror tv show.

You are ignoring Hollywood logic.

The best part and the worst of this episode was Carol's long con. We as the audience know how bad ass she is so you are just waiting for the turn. But, they made us wait way longer than I would have thought which became torture at a certain point. But, I appreciate/respect them taking a moment to let the build breathe

Hmmm.Didn't take long for the non action episode to be deemed filler. Only took me a few threads to find it. Walking Dead can't take a step back and have a little introspection with the characters or the world. FILLER! It's all filler when people aren't dying!

Who are you one of the showrunners?

I guess that would be a problem if your average person watched Fallon.

I could have sworn this exact same thread with someone pointing out that Hillary was cute at one point happen the exact same way a week ago or maybe a little later. But, then again SNL comments section can often be redundant. McKinnon is the best! Cancel Jost. This still on? people still watch this. various comments

Ugh never mind. I just read the set up for the reboot. Jesus, death does not matter at all on that show.

Who said Wentworth Miller is going to be on the prison break reboot? Because for very clear reasons, Michael Scofield should not be popping up on that show.

No. You really don't have to watch.

Karina also happens to be a great actor in her own right.

She clearly has the straight hair in the coming attraction for next week. This episode was focused on the bullshit Marcia had to go through. The straightened out hair she eventually had that most people liked wasn't a part of that narrative.

Via complex.com fact checking, Darden himself has said that they use to dance and drink wine during those late nights. The only difference…the time he said they slow danced to the isley brothers was at her home while working.

Per Darden and his accounts, he name checked the isley brothers and their music as what they liked to listen during their late nights. So…has nothing to do with Ryan Murphy. Not that using great music during really sweet scenes would ruin the music anyway.

Nope Travolta too just for going full ham.