
Yeah, they had no choice in the matter and they also should have listened to Chris because he gave a perception of the case they didn't have. It was smart to use him on the case for reasons even beyond his race but they also should have used him better.

Hey, you didn't know. I was trying to be way over the top so the sarcasm would hit. But, this is still the internet after all.

Yes, I throw myself at foul mouth, sometimes strung out looking basketcases everyday.

Oh that screen cap. A face only no one could love.

Man, you are a Nancy.

It's fucking soaps. Stop taking it so seriously. It's making fun of one type of soap watcher. It's not that serious. I was hoping you were mocking someone that would get this worked up about this.

Pray to god that you are joking here. I really can't tell on the internet anymore.

Yet somehow last week the best of the year. Then, the episode before that and the episodes before that. Anyone can throw that label of best of the season or best in years. Doesn't make it true.

Nostalgia. Have a nice day.

Jesus, you need some help if you got that bent out of shape about someone mocking your silly gimmick. Not that serious. You can do your silly posts and people can also mock you. It's the internet.

Uh no. That's what I said yay ANOTHER gimmick account.

Yay, another shitty gimmick account.

Is your head okay? I literally just said why. Because not every hero has powers. It's just about super powered people. And you are completely ignoring all of the supernatural/magical/crazy aspects The Shield, Agent Carter, etc. have to deal with on a daily basis. They go to other planets, have to deal with crazy

And I'm saying that in reality it's not. So it doesn't move ME. She can have any opinion she wants.

Of course you do. I would just like it if we could stop acting like this is a novel approach. Dudes talk about their feeling all the time on these shows. Nothing about this show is novel or breaking new ground in it's story or writing aspects.

That because …none of them about SUPERheros would be the obvious answer to your statement. People who save the day don't always have super powers and I appreciate Marvel for highlighting those people. We have plenty of shows and movies highlighting the opposite. And if you think a show like Agent Carter is boring

Eh, they ended on that dramatic moment I just kind of shrugged my shoulders. I won't be thinking about this show at all during the break but I'll be back simply because Mondays are garbage. People are going gaga over this show and can't even logically see why. I enjoy Benoist and I get that women and girl need and

No, I just didn't think you were serious is all. You are surrounded by others that would agree with you so no problems there.

Yeah it's not like Flash isn't talking about his feelings with Joe, Cisco or anyone else and Oliver never talks to Diggle about feelings either. This is groundbreaking stuff.

You were serious with those comments?