dr art pepper

His running mate is a Christian Dominionist who blames gay people for "societal collapse," and his chief strategist is a white supremacist, but why should we worry?

Pence was heckled for sitting down in a theater.

Obama warned us that this election was not a reality show.

As President-elect, he could try to understand why gay people or minorities might be feeling nervous right now, but that would require some kind of empathy.

Boyd Rice

Who is throwing people off roofs in which no-go zones now?

I didn't recognize the name, but I remember reading about him and the Norwegian black metal scene.

I have a co-worker who is convinced that Clinton was drunk on election night, because if a known troll tweets something, it must be legit.

Yeah, I like that she normally deals with the kind of things Spider-Man dealt with … juggling work, family crises, fighting low level villains like Green Goblin and Black Cat, worrying about her secret identity, etc.

angle brackets <b>text</b>

Archie #13 - Veronica vs Cheryl Blossom!

Not even a mimeographed 'zine?

At it's base it's a contrarian movement

> Trump is a real man

I'm enjoying the fact that racist demagoguery put Trump into the White House, but now we're supposed to pretend that didn't actually happen, it has nothing to do with racism, stop being so mean.

Maybe if they tap someone like Keith Ellison to head the DNC.

Dems need to focus on taking back governorships and state legislatures, and motivate the progressive base.

My take-away from that article is they have no idea just what the fuck they're doing.

Yep … When I posted that quote, I was going to add something witty, but reality has out-snarked me.

From WSJ: