dr art pepper

To our knowledge, Trump has never kidnapped any film directors.

Those who know me…

Yep, I was going by headlines but that was misleading.

Not sure the Oval Office counts as a "public place."

I think you're getting Pence regardless. He just took over the transition team, presumably when the GOP establishment saw the circus freak show that was the original team.

The constant demonizing of things you don't like is the REASON WHY YOU LOST.

"And it worked!" — Mike Pence

If your point is that schools should be looking for more ways to attract men to the teaching profession, then I completely agree.

It's because teaching pays crap.

But also, Roe v Wade is practically a dead letter in many counties.

It's actually so old (in Internet time) that it sounds new. Back when "cyberspace" was the predominant metaphor for the internet.

I mean … I … just … No. I don't think so

Did a millennial cut you off in traffic once or something, because you seem really vexed.

paid by the DNC

Also the same people who have been calling liberals un-American freedom-hating terrorist-loving Godless degenerates for the past 8 years and more, while sharing racist memes about the Obamas.

That said — we don't have a long national tradition of lynching rich white men. So the symbolism isn't quite the same.

screaming at you for 10 minutes straight

You're assuming we haven't been listening to what the right has been saying for the past umpteen years, and that we don't understand it.

OK, so if you're seriously discussing election tactics…

If you have absolutely no interest in listening to them and understanding their (wrong) point of view