dr art pepper

I've spent most of this week thinking about what we will probably lose over the next four years (the ACA, Roe v Wade, the climate).

I'd like them to assimilate the idea of not being racist misogynistic assholes.

Obama has been respectful of the opposition and reached out to the GOP over and over and over for 8 years, and that really worked.


Nah. Conservatives freak out about sex stuff and Satanic lyrics.

Whoa, slow down there. We're still wrestling with the question "If people evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?"


Curious if you liked the previous issues of Supergirl? I've been enjoying it.

I loved that Power Man / Iron Fist book! The Power Man epic collection is great too.

Nothing is bad if there is something worse!

I'm rarely shocked by anything the GOP says or does, but I'm still shocked they openly declared that only Republican presidents should be able to choose Supreme Court justices.

Next up: Four years of trying to confirm a Supreme Court nominee.

In Seattle we're voting to raise the minimum raise and maybe spend a butt-load of $$ on transit.

Don't forget Jeb Bush purged the voter rolls in Florida in 2000, in what was clearly not a conflict of interest.

Cocteau Twins indeed rule, and I guess their 1st album is somewhat goth, but I never thought of them as goth.

Here's one hint: I wouldn't vote for Polanski, either.

Yeah, I was curious if was really so over-the-top as that description implied. Because any defense of anti-miscegenation laws is going to sound outlandish in 2016.

Delivering a supervillain monologue about the importance of segregation

Why are comedians supposed to be the guardians of liberty now?

Maybe so but CNN is a much bigger culprit there.