dr art pepper

Not sure I care about a Good Wife spinoff, but Christine Baranski should get her own show.

It ends with Dan Brown being eaten by a bear.

He's already paid himself millions in campaign funds

I like Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band (probably more than any solo Lennon stuff)

Bix Beiderbecke or GTFO

Remember in 2012 when the GOP figured out they had to appeal to Hispanic voters?

But did Jesus fight Big Foot?

But I thought it was Dungeons & Dragons, and Prince singing about masturbation!

many anti-Christian laws (with more coming)

If I state I believe marriage is between one man and one woman, I would lose my job

I tried to stick with this one, but it was just so s-l-o-w……….

For what it's worth, according to this Vox article,

And his main domestic policy agenda was to private Social Security. (Didn't happen, but no thanks to him.)

True, but come election day, people are voting for or against the candidates. I think she's smart to keep the focus on Trump and not get mired in a battle of insults, which would really only play to his core strength.

There certainly were people who argued that Obama's victory was illegitimate

Sometimes it's good to take a mental-health break from the coverage.

Something something Weather Underground.

This is a guy whose campaign strategy is to alienate women, Latinos, and moderates.

See also, Wells Fargo (allegedly) firing employees who called the internal ethics hotline.