dr art pepper

Shogun Warriors #1 (in terrible condition, but excellent nostalgia value!)

I liked this character better as Pizzazz in the Jem and the Holograms comic.

But the main thing about the original is that the humans are helpless, the main character mostly runs around in a panic, until the Martians are killed by something that's outside of anyone's control.

Yeah, I did the same thing.

I think it's the latter. Then again, Trump thinks that one Senator has the power to re-write the tax code. So maybe amending the Constitution can be done via Twitter hashtag

I think they really said "Vote for Al Gore," but I know Republicans want to pretend that George W Bush never happened.

I think he's deliberately laying the groundwork for exactly that.

"The Donald scores!"

They are too busy working to repeal the 19th Amendment.

Right now I got to tell you about the fabulous … most groovy … BELL BOTTOMS.

Your defense is that Trump acts like a drunken douchebag when he's sober?

The government can't take your guns if you keep them in a safe.

I was thinking specifically of Demons and its parodies of Russian nihilists and their crazy pseudo-scientific rants against conventional morality.

"Then let's definitely avoid investing in solar energy, so that Germany can corner that market." — GOP

You sound like a character in a Dostoevsky novel.

Meanwhile, Axe Deodorant tweeted its support for Trump.

So basically no women have ever complained about Trump harassing them, because the ones who did are all liars. Got it.

Yeah, but there's a difference between saying "This is actually pretty common, and women have been pointing that out for a long time," vs "that's just how guys are," which seems to be the Trump defense.

Also if it's true that this puts the Senate (and even the House?) in play …. vote!

And women who get harassed are basically asking for it, because they should have known that men just can't stop themselves.