dr art pepper

Everyone who cares to know

The stock market isn't worried because the investor class is poised to get billions of dollars in tax cuts. Wall Street doesn't give a shit about the economy.

“This is the problem with the media. You guys took everything that Donald Trump said so literally.” - Corey Lewandowski.

I recent finished the Rucka WW volume and it didn't do much for me.
I just didn't really care about the whole "Diana is a UN ambassador, writes a book, gets attacked by FOX News" story line.

I just picked up the 2d volume.

The halcyon days when someone this awful and incompetent was only considered VP material.

abuse, doxxing, and other sorts of harassment and hate speech

The new Archie series is a lot of fun. (I haven't been reading Jughead).

Today I learned that AVClub commentariat does not like:

The current run is really good.

Haven't seen the movie but it makes total sense that a kid who grew up around a morgue would say "hemorrhage."

The purpose of the electoral college was so slave states could count their 3/5th slaves as people.

Well, we were talking about history tests. But even with math, the facts aren't subjective, but the curriculum, the design of the test, how word problems are phrased — those are designed by humans and reflect choices.

I love this idea that urban centers, where 80% of the population resides, are the "bubbles."

To be fair, he was elected to run the country like he runs his businesses — i.e., into the ground.

There is no such thing as an objective test. Humans write the tests.

But there's already political fights about the history curriculum. Now imagine if the history curriculum had actual political implications. You don't think the GOP would take it over? It would become another tool for voter suppression, like gerrymandering and voter IDs.

It's amazing how many names have been resurfacing from the bottom of the swamp, people I thought I'd never have to hear about again.

That sounds OK in theory. But then who would write the AP tests? The Texas school board?

Mike Pence isn't some random schmoe.