dr art pepper

Watched the "DC Super Hero Girls" movie with my daughter (3x). It's pretty good! She liked the graphic novel.

They still have a lock on the House, so they can still block any meaningful legislation and threaten to default on the national debt.

It is historically a Sacrament

He never said he actually assaulted anyone.

team anti-sex

I think this says a lot more about you than about the people who you are accusing of hypocrisy.

You seem incapable of distinguishing between "talking about sex" and "being demeaning and rapey toward women.'

No, you just never had it recorded

Meh. I just find the "everyone does it" defense kind of strange.

Hillary Clinton's going to… abolish the AV Club?

But Sanders believes in public financing of state colleges and universities which is CRAZY MARXISM.

…. Blurg, stupid Disqus. Previous comment is me.

Even leaving aside the sexual assault angle, do guys really sit around bragging about how much sex they have? Because that's not my experience at all … at least, not since junior high school.

These are actually the ways that Trump is no different than anyone else.

"And when you’re President, they let you do it. You can do anything."

It will be interesting to see how this plays with religious conservatives, who usually make a big deal out of their surface decorum toward women (while defunding PP, slashing food stamps, etc).

This may seem weird, but I have never bragged about grabbing a woman by the pussy.

I actually liked Angela: Queen of Hel but I'm not sure Bennett is the best person to write Batwoman.

Particularly pertinent after the comments section where people who had never read Elena Ferrante were trashing her novels for being all girly.

But the "gravitate" argument is kind of B.S., when kids are steered toward gender conformity starting as toddlers. (Speaking more about ballet than Adult Swim…)