dr art pepper

What were the strawman attacks?

I've seen her more often compared to Duras, although come to think, that was a nom de plume too.

Lucky duckies.

I loved Chuck Todd complaining that Clinton was too prepared for the debate.

I learned that when they wore those fucking purple heart band-aids to make fun of Kerry.

Trump is a master of the "joking-but-not-really-joking" remark.

But also about motivating your supporters to actually show up to vote.

Kim Gordon for POTUS

Yet the House will remain GOP with 99.9% certainty, despite getting millions fewer votes, and definitely not due to any kind of gerrymandering,

Trump has figured out that people can only remember the last two or three things. So Clinton takes some flak for things she said in 1998, and Trump takes some flak for things he has apparently said every waking moment of his life since the 1970s.

I can see why he's won over "family values" voters.

translating the contradictions of their work into a dialog format.

I don't think it's "never" so much as "be really, really sure you're not just doing minstrel." Maybe it was out of context, but the quoted passage sounded pretty dire.

Nah, I'm just amused at the idea of the Coens as some kind of Dogme 95 film makers.

Frances McDormand and Joel Coen?

What are the standards on freedom of expression in American media again?

That's P.T. Barnum levels of genius. Trump is really the perfect candidate for the post-truth era.

It's gotten better with the second arc - but that may depend whether you find Lunella endearing or annoying. I've enjoyed reading it with my kid.

Well, here's what she actually wrote.

This interview inspired me to re-watch Spinal Tap last night. I had remembered the gags ("None more black", "It goes to 11", etc), but I'd forgotten that it also has a lot of heart. Parts of it are actually really poignant, while still being funny.