dr art pepper

Because they believe government is the only thing standing between themselves and success.

Future Quest and Gotham Academy? The "Rebirth" titles themselves mostly seem to skew older.

Yeah, there was a time when "shared universe" mostly meant occasional guest stars would pop up.

Isn't it too early to tell? Prior to rebirth, I enjoyed DC Bombshells, Legend of Wonder Woman, Gotham Academy, the short-lived Prez.

In the Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf sense of 'comedy'?

No, some are inspired by HILARIOUS tweets. Great job!

But she has white fringes on her costume, it's totally different.

It's the same argument as "people thought Einstein was a crackpot, and people think I'm a crackpot, ergo…"

Besides what LED said, you're assuming the law didn't function exactly as designed. The basic premise of Neoliberalism is that markets are always right.

On the other hand, a film where Roger Moore actually played a campy gay version of James Bond could be awesome.

The point still stands

Your doctor may actually be prohibited from talking about the gun.

If you have the legal right to get an abortion but there are no abortion clinics in your state, then you don't actually have access to abortion. That's not merely theoretical.

He was good in "The Quiet American"

It was a 2-story tower.

Yeah, "was it called racist in the 1930s" is maybe not best litmus test.

I remember when George W. Bush was a moderate, compassionate conservative … not really much different from Gore, in fact. He wasn't great on policy details, but he put a great team of advisors in place. Worked out great.

Television is a series of (boob) tubes…

allow trump to start world war III

Wait they're still pushing the Huma Abedin angle?