dr art pepper

Sure, I'm exaggerating for comic effect / feeling cynical. I think the platform really does matter in the long run, if we can push for a genuinely progressive party.

(1) Clinton will nominate OK Supreme Court judges, we might even be able to restore Roe v Wade. (2) Clinton is hawkish but I genuinely think Trump will trigger WW III, because the guy's only talent is hurling middle-school insults (3) Congress doesn't pass any legislation anyway, so who cares if Clinton's domestic

When they made fun of John Kerry for having a purple heart, was when I realized they don't actually give a shit about patriotism or veterans or supporting the troops.

Silver Age DC Archive

Bourne Again SHell

And apparently now Transformers, GI Joe, Micronauts, and ROM Spaceknight are all part of a shared universe.

It's basically: What if Sabrina was a real witch … like, in a coven, that practices black magic and worships Satan. I like the story (it's pretty dark) but for me the main draw is Robert Hack's art, that looks like every panel was painted.

Totally worth the wait. I'm just glad I have a pull list, so I don't have to remember to look for it.

I enjoyed it, but I thought the last issue was kind of a let down.

+1. Someone here turned my onto that one (maybe yourself?). I just love the insane layouts where ten things are happening at once, it reminds me of how I used to draw as a kid, except if I knew how to draw.

Legend of Wonder Woman is great.

🎵The meme police, they live inside of my head …

I haven't watched all of them, but I don't think so. That would be really interesting.

But I do enjoy hearing Seinfeld analyze the technical aspects of comedy - what makes a particular joke work. The best parts of this series are when they talk shop.

I'm getting that, and I assumed it's because I'm using my old AVC account.

We read Black Boy in high school.

You know who else makes their kids play outside and eat vegetables? COMMUNISTS.

My daughter really liked "Final Crisis". (We're also reading Usagi Yojimbo together.)

I think that I did? (a long time ago) … but I don't remember that particular essay. I seem to remember he had a generally low opinion of most western-bloc S/F.

I think Lem was my first exposure to the idea of meta-fiction.