dr art pepper

OK, this may be weird but that video made me think about early Ramones.


New Yorkers invented pornography? Or the New Yorker invented pornography?

keeps it the fuck out of event debacles

Seinfeld doesn't always hold up for me, but I still crack up at her reaction when George asks for a pre-nup.

And why does everyone have to like everything you like so damn much?

see also, Obama

- Future Quest #2 was fun. There are a lot of characters introduced in just two issues. They did a pretty good job of keeping a consistent look with multiple artists.

Well, at least we'll be talking about some entirely different mass shooting by then.

Aw, man!

the urbane 60s Upper East Side setting for some generic Anytown, USA

That "SNOOP" name tag is awesome.

The weird thing was they made her 20-something, but kept her whole history as Oracle, which didn't quite work. It seemed like trying to have it both ways.

I recently finished the Power Man / Iron Fist epic collection, and there's definitely that aspect to it … but he's also a genuinely well-rounded, interesting character. I'd think they could do an updated Luke Cage series that focused more on that side.

Yeah - but I don't think the goal is to persuade the hardcore supporters.

Leaving aside the questionable moral logic there … Starting fights at a Trump rally just feeds into Trump's narrative. Tactically it's dumb.

I enjoyed Augie March — it's got some striking imagery and I liked the shambolic plot that appears to be heading somewhere and never does. I did not care for Humboldt's Gift.

In 2d and 3rd grade I loved the Narnia books. I grew up in a non-religious household so the allegory went right over my head.

Of course the kid enjoys the Dahl books and had little interest in Wind in the Willows

No, I basically agree. Krypto, Streaky the Cat, and Gleek were not DC's finest moments.