dr art pepper

He's the greatest. He's fantastic!

Squirrel Girl is a human but her sidekick Tippy-Toe is a girl squirrel.

All of which are basically the same episode.

And Supergirl had Streaky, who got his powers from X-kryptonite.

And not the human characters who fly, wear spandex, and get their powers from radiation exposure?

I love SG (including the art) but am very luke-warm about Patsy Walker.

Erica Henderson's art is perfect for SG, and I say that as someone who generally cares more about art than story.

I deactivated mine last December and felt the FB itch for about a week, and now I don't miss it at all.

I got tired of trying to understand FB's privacy settings, which seemed to keep changing.

Or like, if a teacher is caught holding a glass of wine at a party.

That's like an entire 45-minute show right there.

Ah, you might be right! I remember the 4th-wall-breaking stuff — She-Hulk complaining about the choice of villains, talking about the cover, etc.

I gotta say, that's a really complicated stealth marketing campaign for cheap wine.

And actually it's a running joke that superhero comics exist in the Marvel Universe, but are based on true stories. [Edit: Now I see they kind of mentioned that in the FF entry.]

She-Hulk / Byrne

not one in which 40% of your income is sent off to the IRS

Looking forward to hearing this one.

I listened to the hell out of that song as a kid.

This piece has now got me listening to "The Grand Wazoo" which is some genuinely great jazz-fusion, so thanks!

yes I said yes I will Yes