dr art pepper

Yeah that could get annoying. I guess it's in keeping with their philosophy of translating. "Tolstoy wanted those parts in French, so you're getting them in French!"

things that everyone else apparently read in high school

Just finished The Passion by Jeanette Winterson, and currently re-reading Crime and Punishment (the Pevear/Volokhonsky translation).

The Atlantic's online comment section is surprisingly vile, considering the magazine itself is fairly intelligent.

Jack Reacher 4: I Don't Recall

Yay, we're just preventing Trump from being president.

It just seems selective … that in comparing Hillary with Trump, you say she did damage as First Lady — which is probably true, esp remarks about "super-predators" — nonetheless, she wasn't actually in office at the time.

Sometimes I wish we had a parliamentary system or instant run-offs so that a Green vote didn't feel like throwing away my vote. I'm just terrified of the GOP at this point, and I think they can make the country much, much worse than it already is.

But the Dems didn't finish off the social safety net under Obama, and George W Bush had a serious proposal to get rid of Social Security (until a bunch of old white people suddenly realized they were in the crosshairs) … If the GOP can keep the Senate and the House, and Trump wins, you don't think they'll wreak havoc?

we should try and purge them from the movement.

A little bit of research

I'm cautiously optimistic. Obviously there's a lot of difference from 1930s Berlin. It was just chilling hearing the candidate for one of the major parties leading a Two-Minute Hate session against "Mexicans."

If everyone who was not happy with these two monsters voted with their beliefs, who knows what would happen?

so, Godwin's law and all, but…

So you consider things that Bill Clinton did as part of Hillary's record, but Trump gets a pass for his actual policy proposals?

than Trump has.

If politics doesn't matter, then why is it almost impossible to women to get legal abortions in large parts of the United States?

I also remember when Al Gore was as bad a George Bush. Luckily, that election brought us the Nader administration. Disaster averted!

reading the Bible through a superhero lens

force gay marriage on them