dr art pepper

They are each right that the other one is awful.

… because it's been at least several months since the last big crossover event?

Yeah, I wish the book was "Sam Wilson and Misty Knight Team-Up"

There is a huge omnibus edition that Half Price Books was selling cheap.

To be fair, I've never been a big Captain America fan per se, so I'm not the target audience. The "Cap wolf" story line didn't do much for me either, so I had kind of been sticking with it on faith for the past few issues.

an adventurer stranded in an alien world (or in this case a microscopic alien civilization

Moon Knight #1 - Great art, and I'm a sucker for this kind of story where the protagonist is either crazy or the only sane person.

How would you study a religion without learning what the religion teaches, at least in its broad outlines.

The Catholic League, aka Bill Donohue and some letterhead.

Fair enough.

Trump doesn't have anything that terrible yet on his record

Trump's policy positions don't matter. He's a strongman in the Putin style.

But this is also why I don't put a huge amount of stock in the policy differences between Sanders and Clinton. If either of them can keep the Federal government from defaulting on the debt, and stop another Scalia or Alito from getting on SCOTUS, that will be an accomplishment. I don't expect anything more.

I think the guy will literally start WWIII by accident.

I've never cared too much about Superman one way or the other, but I'm enjoying American Alien. He's conflicted, without devolving into "dark and gritty". …though I guess the critical consensus is mostly against it? I guess I should check out All-Star Superman.

Would he have been a better president if he didn't suffer from the disease

I'm unreasonably excited about ROM.

Moose & Squirrel 2016

- Micronauts #1
- DC Bombshells #11
- Superman: American Alien #6
- Red Sonja #5

The best movies for a long flight are the ones that don't require headphones.