dr art pepper

"The little fat man with the pug-nosed faceā€¦"

I was just thinking about Iron Fist after reading this.

I feel like her character as written was a walking cliche, but Punjabi sold it well.

I like Archie Panjabi just fine, but Christine Baranski was probably my favorite actor on the show. (I haven't watched the past season.)

I guess I've only seen bits of her standup, plus 30 Rock.

Can Kristen Schaal play earnest? Because Doreen Green is endearingly earnest.

They were always kind of interesting as weird people who showed up in FF comics occasionally. But I never felt the need to read an Inhumans comic book. Of course, anything can be good, if it has an interesting take.

Oui! Eet is a tres strange comeek book.

For me it's weird when you have talking animals that should be eating each other. (I guess Zooptopia deals with this up front.) Like in Lion King, shouldn't the other animals be trying to depose that SOB?

Oh, for sure. Especially anything with talking animals.

Of course, if toys are sentient beings, people shouldn't own them. So really the whole scenario breaks down, if you think about it for long.

This is the guy who pulled the Black Album, so who knows? There might be some treasures in there.

I grew up in the rock vs disco era, when it seemed important to choose a side. Which seems idiotic now.

Yeah. One of the main purposes of art is to communicate. This whole attitude that you should be indifferent to an artist, is implicitly to deny that art can express something human.

I said this way down-thread, but I sort of associate them in my mind, as being two artists who continuously reinvented themselves, were able to transcend genres, and continued to create interesting and unexpected music long after their youthful heyday.

Well, in the grand scheme of things we all die and nothing matters. So there's that.


I would read that.

So is their discography.

Is that a new series?