dr art pepper

They don't realize that in a theocracy, there's no guarantee your own sect will win, and you might be forced to say some other church's prayers in school. And that therefore they're much better off in a secular system.

My daughter (4) recently said that "nurse" was the word for female doctor.

Of course, they were all home schooled, so their idea of public school is taken from Jack Chick tracts or wherever.

Of course, it's a sequel to a movie where a philosophy teacher — who in real life would have taught students about St Anselm, St Aquinas, and St Augustine — demands his students renounce god.

So the true villains in today's society are school teachers?

The Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol was kind of funny.

Ah, Iran Contra … the moment when my youthful political idealism was forever dented. Not that the conspiracy happened, but that almost nobody was held accountable.

So basically, don't use GMail for communications that you care about?

Squirrel Girl was hilarious (the Kra-van!).

Gotham Academy!

I love Yo La Tengo, but it's kind of weird their cover of Nuclear War made the list instead of the original.

See also, Graham Greene, Evelyn Waugh, Muriel Spark

It's similar to global warming skeptics who latch onto any scientist (whether a climatologist or not) who doubts the consensus on climate change, without explaining why that one scientist beats the other 99%.

Blink 18:2

Yeah, I have a love/hate with Angela. I enjoyed the main arc of Queen of Hel. I don't care much about the current mini-arc seeing as it builds on Angela 1602, which I dropped somewhere around issue #3, but I'll see it through.

Hmmm… light week for me.

Yeah, I'm enjoying it, tho' it's probably not at the very top of my pull-list. I like the treatment of Pamela Isley as someone who is convinced she is doing the morally correct thing, and the art is really nice — almost old fashioned with its clean, "realistic" style. (At one point the Gotham Academy kids made a cameo

Mostly reading Usagi Yojimbo Saga vol 1 which is amazing.

The original in the "Archives" editions. I love Premiani's art. The stories are a great mix of incredibly goofy but with genuine conflict and characterization.
