dr art pepper

My daughter was about 3 when we started. I think the first comic we read together was this one:

Kids are ruining superheroes for adults!

That's a tough one … are they OK with some fighting? If so, Squirrel Girl, Ms Marvel, and Silk are fun without too much graphic violence. Maybe Gotham Academy? Those all have trade paperbacks so you could check them out first.

I used to be very anti-princess but I realized there's nothing functionally different between wanting to dress up and be Elsa or wanting to dress up and be Spider-Man.

Those are great — we read a bunch of them. My only complaint was not many female superheroes in those. I found a couple with WW and one with Catwoman.

Superhero comics I've been reading with my daughter:

I read some superhero comics with my kid. I don't think it will turn her into a Republican, but we'll see.

They also don't give a shit whether the plan is feasible or even makes any sense.

Also assassinating the families of terrorists, and a religious test for entering the country. Hey, that's three whole policies!

she hadn't done as much lately

Finished Jessica Jones: Alias vol 4. I totally binge-read this series. And it ended on a satisfying note. (Anybody have an opinion on JJ: Pulse?)

I liked Maya OK and I like Matangi pretty well.

Well, but is it? If I go Paris to see the Eiffel tower, I'm won't get a better picture of it than I could find in 2 seconds of Googling. But if I take a selfie, I have a record of my trip - years later, I might look at it and remember going to Paris, remember myself at that time of life, etc.

The argument with someone like Bowie is that we "didn't really know him," so the grief must be fake and superficial … which assumes that Bowie's music didn't communicate anything, and wasn't an important part of who he was, and that his private life was the "real" person.

adorable, ridiculous, awesome, and terrible

Saxby Chambliss

"Not a whole lot will get done in the legislature" … sadly, probably true if a Dem wins … but if the GOP gets the presidency and Congress, then we're all fucked.

But it sounds like "Christian movie" is now essentially a marketing category, like "literary fiction." Not all literature is "literary fiction," not all films that explore themes of Christian faith are "Christian movies."


To be fair, really good serious films about complex ideas (of any philosophical disposition) aren't exactly storming the box office. Though I guess Noah did fine.