dr art pepper

Yes, that's true - my point was more that when NPR takes a candidate seriously, they start to focus more on campaign strategy, like which states the candidate has to win, their ground operation, how much $ they are spending on TV ads, etc etc - and much less on issues.

Also isn't he a birther? It's like the tea party's ultimate revenge on the rest of us after 8 years of Obama.

It's kind of like debating which condiment to put on your shit sandwich, but I tend to agree … Cruz is an actual senator which means he has some desire to govern and some working knowledge of how to do so, which is scary.

Drumpf is unlikeable in a very specific, Internet-troll, frat-boy, school bully sort of way.

The GOP is in the same position as a software company with a legacy code base and mountains of technical debt. Do they scrap the existing platform and lose their existing customers, or do they creak along and alienate new users?

Is it my imagination or has NPR starting talking about him more like a respectable political candidate? By which I mean, focusing on the inside baseball: His political strategy, polling numbers, etc, rather than highlight his views. (NPR is generally pretty allergic to discussing substantive policy issues in their

We have mail-in ballots in WA and it's awesome.

Yoffe was terrible at answering the type of questions that Dan Savage answers well. (And versa)

Although the U.S. democracy sort of is rigged for old people, because we insist on having election day on a work day.

I'm currently reading Olivia Manning's Levant Trilogy.

I loved Speedboat.

The "Sandra Fluke is a slut" contingent.

Hanna Barbara Future Quest series

But apparently we're all on AVClub so there's that!

I'm not completely sure I like it for Power Man and Iron Fist, but I like it fine as a style and it grew on me as I read the issue.


I'm enjoying it. It's basically like a sitcom in comic book form. You're right that it's not really the same "product" as classic Archie, but I wasn't a particular fan of those, so I just take this series as it is. (Tho' it's been pretty neat to see the really old Archie's they are reprinting in the monthly comic.)

Donald Trump: Berlusconi and Mussolini rolled into one.

Bible thumpers are all about going after the current Pope, because he talks about poverty instead of The Gays.

Some of us are waiting for build scripts to finish.