dr art pepper

furthering perpetual war as American foreign policy

But Mondale and Dukakis were towering inspirational figures of my youth… Um …

respect people with different ideals or values than yourself

Are you now or have you ever been a right-leaning, free-market advocate?

So, congrats GOP. You've managed to make one of the worst, most conservative presidents in history into a moderate.

The electorate can't remember what's happening today, let alone remember something for 50 years.

Well, I think she's more hawkish, and I don't have any confidence she'll take on Wall Street in any meaningful way.

that Democrats haven't really expressed since Clinton took the nomination

There was some Baptist minister or something on NPR, trying to justify why evangelical Christians were drawn to Trump despite his utter lack of Christian values. Something to the effect of breaking a few eggs to make an omelet. He even drew an historical analogy to when evangelical Christians flocked to

Because why muddle along with the same set of problems, when you could have an exciting new set of problems!

I grew up in the 80s and I still can't bring myself to double-strap!

Maybe it's Doreen Green!

Two years later … "How old is this actress? 32? That's a bit old to play the love interest of this older male star."

Me too. They could do a lot worse that emulating the new comic.

Yeah - I think a lot of this is predicated on the idea that they'd also improve the overall writing in Star Wars. (Disclaimer: I haven't seen the new one, I'm going by the Lucas films.)

Fair point. But even Star Wars had the Han/Leia thing, as chaste as it was depicted.

On account of it was created for children.

They should just do it like Star Wars where everyone speaks in their native language, any everybody understands.

"People who say they like X only pretend to like X" is always kind of annoying. The assumption is that something is so obviously, objectively terrible, that any possible aesthetic defense of it must be a put-on.

You know what they do in prison to guys who go to prison for pirating the Ang Lee Hulk movie?