dr art pepper

See I've never cared for Bitches Brew … but to me On the Corner is to fusion what the 2d quintet (ESP thru' Nefertiti) is to jazz — a kind of deconstruction or explosion of the form. Because OtC sounds like funk but it's really not funk, it's too aggressively weird and harmonically static and repetitive, which is what

That entire period from "On the Corner" up to his retirement was an amazing run.

Aw, I love Birth of the Cool. It may be overplayed, but then so is Kind of Blue.

My Miles top 5:

I would call the Clintons "Republicans-lite" too, but only if you're talking about the party of Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan. Today's GOP is something else altogether, this weird Christian-fascist Objectivist anti-science death cult.

When "Gore is no different than Bush" was an actual thing that serious people said.

I can see the comparison to Cocteau Twins. but their dreaminess had a distinct edge to it, thanks to Robin Guthrie's guitar. (And nobody has Liz Fraser's voice.)

Don't you mean the job creator who lets parents decide what's right for their kids?

Oh, I'll definitely pick it up. Just maybe not tomorrow!

Vision #4, Paper Girls #5, Sam Wilson: Captain America #6, and maybe pick up Lazarus vol 4.

Sure, but why were there so few bankable actors of color at the time? It's still racism, even if it's structural racism rather than, say, Alec Guinness being personally racist.

Venus de Mallomar

According to my pull list, I'll be reading Vision and Paper Girls. And I just picked up New Teen Titans vol 4.

But Shaner is supposed to be drawing the Shazam comic that I'm scripting in my head.

Oh, and congratulations!

Black Magick #4 - What you said.

I said in an earlier AV thread that I want to see a Wonder Woman / Capt Marvel team up. They bond over their shared love of jets but have Green Lantern / Green Arrow-style personality conflicts (Diana the peacenik, Carol the Air Force jock).

I have no idea, but this is what I love about comics:

I enjoyed the time-travel / WW2 arc. I wanted to like the space opera arc, but found it kind of bland.

Nice article. I've always found the tension in punk between "authenticity" and artificiality quite interesting.