dr art pepper

Watch out if you see a mysterious blimp overhead.

I would totally watch "Batman v Superman" if it was a superhero remake of "Kramer vs Kramer."

I think apocalypse stories in general combine our fears about death and destruction with a kind of longing for purification, and the satisfaction of seeing your asshole neighbors get theirs.

Everything becomes a hackneyed cliche at some point. Then somebody thinks of an interesting twist. Repeat.

I really love Pulido's She-Hulk.

Because their nuclear power supply screws up the carbon-14 levels!

In general, I feel like backbench characters offer room for creative teams to do something interesting, because there is less expectation / weight of history / etc.

But James Bond doesn't exist. There are just some novels that explore some themes (the cold war, masculinity) and some movies that explore similar themes (the cold war, masculinity, lasers and shit), using this idea of a character.

have Batman be a 6'8" black woman who flies and breathes fire

To be fair that's not much worse than an Updike sex scene.

I have not … I'll try to check it out.

Riddler as an annoying ally sounds way more entertaining than Riddler as a villain.

I like how Sensation Comics WW can tackle some interesting ideas that don't often show up in superhero comics, like "how should the criminal justice system deal with a supervillain?" or "what happens if WW tries to broker a peace deal?"

They aren't stories or they weren't published by Marvel?

With a project like this, I wonder if it's hard to predict the quality in advance? Maybe it looks interesting on paper, and then it could turn out great, or just mediocre, or be a train wreck. (Not that I know anything about film making…)

Squirrel Girl backlash

Useless? She defeated Galactus!

I really like it for this particular book.

"Martha My Dear" is a great song, one of my favorite McCartney tracks. I'm also fond of Revolution #9. I'll grant you Wild Honey Pie. I'd actually cut more of Abbey Road, at least % wise. (Maxwell's Silver Hammer and Octopus' Garden.)

I understand the rationale for that. But I actually think it would suffer, because the great strength of the White Album is the way it ranges across all of the Beatles' interests and obsessions.The sprawl is an essential part of the album.