dr art pepper

Starfire #1 - I liked it, they are playing her character sort of as a more grown-up version of the Teen Titans Go! incarnation. Not much plotline to speak of, yet.

I got to see him a few years ago (maybe closer to 10, it was around the time of Sound Grammar) — he played beautifully.

Anyone else read Starfire #1? I enjoyed it - they are playing her character as sort of the grown-up version of her Teen Titans Go! character.

I have no particular interest in Secret Wars, but basically it looks like they are canceling some titles, keeping some others, etc. i.e., business as usual. It's not like any particular title or creative team would be "safe" in the absence of Secret Wars (… e.g., She-Hulk).

If "releasing some really great titles" is trying too hard, then I suppose so.

The other problem is that anything not "for girls" is de facto "for boys" - so girls get the pink friends Legos, and then everything else is the boys' Legos.

I just don't understand what a live-action version would bring that's not in the original. Is there something missing from the original? Is there any concept behind this, beyond just "Here's some IP, let's franchise it"?

I'm reading FF Epic Collection #1 (collects FF 1-18) and Avengers Epic Collection #4. Man, the early FF were jerks!

But it got > 1200 comments. If it's click-bait, we are the well-trained fish. (And now I'm adding one more…)

re Hey Jude: "In this fast-paced world," a 7-minute pop song is just too much to bother with?

Yeah - success or failure (I happen to like it) "Revolution 9" was not filler. And if I remember from Bob Spitz' book, Lennon had to fight pretty hard to get it in.

I just hate the tone of "obviously nobody listens to Yellow Submarine willingly" and "of course everyone skips Revolution 9."

The lyrics are silly, but that bass line!

Did they really pick the schmaltzy "Yesterday" as unskippable and "Yellow Submarine" as "most-skippable"? I can't even …

I saw that one cumming from a mile away.

Her reaction when George wants a pre-nup is one of my favorite moments.

Libertarians have a desperate need to believe that everything will work out, as long as you are hyper-rational. Coincidentally they also believe they themselves are hyper-rational.

Yeah - good point about the origin of Superman's costume in circus outfits. To be clear, I think the film costumes are generally better for films than they used to be, not that comics should be following the same aesthetics.

The original furry!