dr art pepper

For me, "Love Comes Quickly" is the quintessential Pet Shop Boys song, because the lyrics at first sound romantic (love comes quickly…) until you realize they are actually fatalistic (…whatever you do).

Basically my theory is that the old superhero movies/TV serials always looked a bit silly, so the comics were still the definitive source material, that looked the coolest.

I have a theory that superhero movies have destroyed our ability to suspend disbelief in the traditional superhero costume.

Heh, I was going to mention Paranoid too. "Look, I'm in a LARP!"

But I'm guessing the people who run comic-book conventions actually care about comic books…

It's kind of impressive that you went from a convention panel to promiscuity, gambling, and drug abuse in one comment.

"Avengers: Kree/Skrull War" collection. Really good space opera … you've got the two warring space empires, but also the fate of the Earth at stake, Wanda and Pietro kidnapped, plus all kinds of personal melodrama: Mar-Vell's divided loyalties, Vision struggling with his android nature, Clint Barton questioning

I liked how the story starts out fairly grounded (for a superhero comic) so that by the time it's completely insane, you're already invested in it.

My daughter (4) loves "Catch Catwoman"

Sometimes overtly goofy can be more grown-up than some of the "gritty" stuff that feels quite adolescent.

Quarterman can split into four small versions of himself.

But I always thought that was the point — we're supposed to find his reaction simultaneously understandable yet unfair. And the tragedy of the Holocaust was not just the lives lost, but the shattered lives of the survivors and even the children of the survivors. The narrator is emotionally fucked up.

See also: Dylan fans.

Yeah, according to the intro, she'd been scripting them for awhile from his synopses, and I think by this volume he was even less involved.

Ah good. I have no particular interest in the Avengers.

Does Kamala joining the Avengers mean they are cancelling her solo book?

iZombie v1, which I read mostly for Allred's art. The premise is clever, tho' I thought the writing was uneven.

"which she seems to admit herself"

Yeah, I only picked it up again after AVClub reviewed it.

Yeah, but there's history and history. I was able to pick up DeConnick's run without knowing anything in particular about Carol Danvers.