dr art pepper

Apparently each Funyun is brought to you individually from the rainforest by a parrot. Who knew?

Blue He-Cat vs Red She-Hulk!

I would even read a Secret Wars title if it featured those villains.

In this version, Goofy literally eats and eats until he dies.

Trapped in a world he never made / trapped in an ideology he made for himself

Version: 3.1
CGS d- s+ !a C++$ U P—- L- W++ w+++ PS++ t R+++ b+++ e++++

Hipster with a handlebar mustache?

But like a gender-swapped version.

"John Carter" was an especially weird naming choice because what's cooler than being a WARLORD of MARS?

when he screws shit up (every single episode, at least 2-3 times), they hug him and tell him it's not his fault

I object to the whole message about being Very Useful. To be fair, I've only seen the newer ones.

We get "don't come in!!" during bath time which usually indicates some activity that ends with all the water on the floor.

The old Peanuts specials are great. Wonderful music, and great voice talent.

Ugh, I hate Thomas with a burning passion.

Oh yeah - not at all trying to be sanctimonious. I feel like, once your kid hits ~2, you go from "I will be the perfectest parent ever" to "I will get through today!"

On the other hand — we've noticed that more than a very limited amount of TV makes it almost impossible for our daughter (4) to go to sleep without throwing insane berserk tantrums. So we went from allowing a moderate amount of TV to allowing very little TV, at least during the week.

Teen Titans!

"it's important for kids to be presented with today's pop culture"

The old Peanuts specials are awesome, and not relentlessly hyperactive.

"Beauty and the Beast" or "He's Abusive But I Love Him and Can Change Him: A Tale of Empowerment for Young Girls."