dr art pepper

Now that is 53 masterful tweets.

He was going to kill her because she didn't love him, but she does, because that's her superpower. (OK, it sounds dumb when I write it like that…)

My thing is that I … appreciated Sandman and Watchmen, but I never warmed to them. At some point I realized I'm not a mature comics type of person. (Clearly, if I'm reading Dejah Thoris…) But I'll check out Swamp Thing, you guys have piqued my interest.

The Hera plot was to draw her out of Olympus so they could destroy her all-seeing magical pool thingy.

In the Simone that I've read (which isn't much), everyone talks like they stepped out of Dark Knight Returns, which gives me trepidation about her take on WW. [Edit: I liked the first Red Sonja trade, tho'.]

Thanks, I'll check those out. I remember Moore's run was considered definitive at least at the time, but I've never read it.

I haven't much Swamp Thing at all. The green vs rot thing seemed questionable - wouldn't a swamp be exactly where all the rot is happening, not the desert? The trippy part was really the art and layouts.

Plowed through vol 2 - 4 of Azzarello/Chiang's Wonder Woman. Really great. At first I wasn't sure about their characterization of WW in vol 1, but they were setting up for some good character development. By the end, she's closer to Marston's conception, but she had to earn it.

You're supposed to also read it.

That's the kind of book that would make me want to punch about 14,000 things.

Do parenting books count? I found a couple of those that were useful.

The quote makes total sense when you realize that "special interests" = poor people, women, and minorities.

Of course, Plato thought that art merely imitated life and should therefore be banned from the ideal republic.

Sure, a marvelous machine for making manure.

Maybe they can designate GamerGate as Person of the Year.

Yeah, he doesn't end by realizing the demon could be tricking him, that's the starting point. Then the cogito is the first secure item of knowledge.

but I'm the only one who loves that film

I feel like in the '80s (more than the 70s), there was a trope of the professional lady who is uptight because being a professional lady goes against being womanly.

"That dialog is almost as stale as these canapés."
