dr art pepper

Genuine question, why (c)? If someone is only reading 3 or 4 titles, does it matter what's happening in the rest of the (comic) universe?

Is the character even trans? That wasn't clear to me. It seemed more like a "deranged Ziggy Stardust" vibe.

I think religious compatibility is more important than hobby compatibility.

So why was this cancelled?

We should look to the shining example of the Founding Fathers, who never, ever, ever espoused views that could be construed as "anti-colonial."

We all know the black dude can't be running the international socialist conspiracy all by himself.

And if you were both actually LARPing at the time … allowed on a technicality.

Yeah, the song is intentionally creepy, rather than "romantic but actually creepy."

Hoisted on my own petard!

Nietzsche Family Circus is pretty awesome, so I'm willing to grandfather both of them under my new regime. But yeah.

Super PACs

I propose a ban on "Putting X quotes into Y comics" memes. Also a ban on memes. And Tumblr.

What killed the dinosaurs? THE ICE AGE!!

How could I expect it, I can't even pronounce it.

Also it was just a nice bit of characterization. The brother was borderline one-note and that scene gave him more depth.

Marvel/DC crossover is the last taboo.

Black Santa.

There's a slightly more serious thread about this in the Ms Marvel article

I'm reading that now in TPB.

Most political protests receive police protection