dr art pepper

My daughter likes the current Batgirl. I like that she's stylish and somewhat girly without being sexualized.

Tony Stark's gonna take it all the way to the Supreme Court!

On the other hand, super hero teams with both genders are usually mostly guys and one or two women, so it's a useful corrective. (Maybe that's been changing? I don't actually follow any team-based titles right now.)

Well, for stuff like Marvel, most of the characters are already fleshed out, so it's more learning the writer's particular take on them.

I stopped finding Sarah Palin amusing when she posed with the "F__ you" sign with the cross hairs drawn on it, less than a month after the Charlie Hebdo attack.

There's a reason they called him The Whiz.

Isn't it about time for a 2D animation revival?

tbh that's OK with me. I'd rather read 12 issues with a well-thought-out arc and artistic vision. These days I don't care too much about shared universe / continuity / etc. (Also, I'm old.)

"Cake or death [metal]?"

Will the movie consist of a 15-minute action sequence followed by 90 minutes of Darrell Issa grandstanding?

Ad opens with Noah shoveling elephant poop. He stands up and wipes his brow. "Should have gone on a Carnival cruise!" Cut to Mrs Noah sipping a Mai Tai.

[Theatrical aside] "Don't worry, kids!"

And even the new Tinkerbell is like, an inventor and shit.

What a delightful collection of idiots.

I'm the bell hooks of random internet commenters.

I can't quite figure out if Chris Christie and Rand Paul genuinely hate science, or if they are simply willing to say anything in order to disagree with Obama.

I didn't click the link, but how is requiring a business to post a sign if they don't require employees to wash their hands, less of a regulatory burden than just requiring employees to wash their hands?

He's someone you'd like to have a beer with. Hopefully not while he's driving the bus, though.


Don't fuck with us. We'll cut you with our dramatic irony.