Prince O'Wales

The US has HIPPA laws that make it very difficult to disclose patient information. I don't know if this is the standard, but at the hospital I worked at, everyone had to check in at the security desk and receive a visitor ID badge in order to ensure patient safety and nurses don't work the front desk because there is

They would give COD high scores and then write about how awful and uninnovative it was. Do they do that as a part of a contract or something?

IGN never gives less than a 7. Then they write separate articles about how shitty it is

she was overshadowed by Masuka's daughter

Did you not see the last season. The inconsistencies and desperate plot twists of both shows are right on par with what I am going to call "Showtime Rot"

She would have been fired immediately after she contaminated their lab with soot and dressing the way she does. I mean, most public service jobs have a dress code

She is laughably incompetent. It's like they just wanted her to show her tits.


But she did contaminate their whole lab with sage soot last episode so maybe this is her redemption

How do you figure?

glad you came around

10 internets to the user who predicted Vogel's son as the killer

I dated a Nice Guy Nerd (tm) but he turned out to be a child. He couldn't understand why people hated him even though he belittled any hobby outside of gaming and would hrow a tantrum if he ever lost.

There is a line between "quirky" and "is so socially stunted that situational awareness escapes you"

Are going to post this to the reviews of all these shows? Not that I have a problem w/that

The color of his lips is distracting in close up shots

Same name?

I love your live updates

I know many lab techs who wear shorts and skirts in the lab [ /sarcasm]

Really wishing I'd watched that instead